Example sentences of "[noun pl] and was [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 She had been amassing clothing coupons for the last six months and was determined that Constance would have a magnificent dress from one of the London stores .
2 30 Received £360 from the liquidator of Bills Bikes and was advised that no more would be forthcoming .
3 She asked about its contents and was told that the terms merely protected the cleaners from liability for damage to sequins and beads .
4 This was a precious baby : four months earlier Fiona , then 31 , had miscarried at 13 weeks and was determined that this time things would go well .
5 In the street Dr Tervahauta saw many amputees and was told that two hundred amputations had been done within the town since the beginning of the siege .
6 Perhaps she 'd heard on the college grapevine that Barney had been getting an undue amount of visits from the police and was rejoicing that the heat was off her beloved Rodney .
7 On that , I think it is generally known , that we , that Telford was n't anywhere near the top of the list , and it had been taken purely on the question of the er , needs of the various areas , it 's unlikely that Telford would have succeeded , even with its reduced geographical area , but I made discrete enquiries and was told that the factor which tipped er , the Commission in favour of Telford , and this has an important bearing on what we 're going to discuss later , was the fact that Telford has been very good in taking up schemes and providing their section , and not just the Wreakin District Council , other area , other bodies in Telford , of getting good innovative schemes off the ground and providing the cash , they did n't , as some areas did , get the status , and then hardly do anything about it .
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