Example sentences of "[noun pl] and go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Always taking cold which settles in the nose , throat or ears and goes to the chest .
2 Most people stretch their legs and go into the stations .
3 Follow the pre-race qualifying sessions and go behind the scenes for exclusive pictures and interviews with the teams .
4 We handed the horses back to their respective lads and went down the hill again with Tremayne and found Doone waiting for us , sitting in his car .
5 The afternoon was spent in Winchester wandering around the shops and going to the cathedral .
6 But it was easier to believe in the impossible when you were tucked up in bed and half-asleep , than when you were walking the wet , comfortless streets , and the bloke you loved was on a bus going in the opposite direction , staring hopelessly out of the window , and wondering how on earth he was ever going to marry you , with no savings and going into the Army next week and a widowed mother who imagined herself an invalid and hated you for taking away her son .
7 She left the riding stables and went on the dole .
8 They met Colebrooke in the passageway outside , thanked him for his attentions and went down the outside steps into the Tower bailey .
9 He also knew how to live well by dining at expensive restaurants and going to the theatre , and as the Heritage Secretary he had invaluable contacts in the acting world .
10 You get the end of season and it 's if you look at the labels and go for the decent labels then you do n't get sort of , quite reasonable quality .
11 My hands left the gun hanging in mid-air above my knees and went for the catapult , which as always was hanging on my belt , the arm-rest stuck down between that and my cords .
12 They all sang their psalms and went to the refectory .
13 Mr Bumble jumped to his feet and went to the other end of the room .
14 Kalchu took off his shoes and went into the shrine .
15 We reached Orange before any of the other groups and went into the barracks .
16 The priests had followed one of two paths : those who took the full vows of celibacy and poverty provided the staff at the houses dedicated to training the young priests ; and those who , after their training , became associates and went into the parishes , to all intents and purposes no different from priests trained elsewhere .
17 Go through the gate , turn left past the stone houses and go through the iron gate .
18 They observed holy days and rules of diet and put on black hats and went to the Synagogue .
19 ‘ One morning you are fast asleep in bed ; the alarm bell rings , so you push back the blankets and sheets , put on your slippers and go to the bathroom ; then you wash your face and hands — and do n't forget your neck and behind your ears … ’
20 She pretended to keep appointments and went to the wine shop instead .
21 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
22 ‘ Well , Jane , what is it ? ’ he asked , when we had left the room full of guests and gone into the library .
23 Duncan had pulled on his trousers and gone into the hallway .
24 They may do this through looking disinterested or scornful , blatantly not listening , interrupting , asking difficult questions and going on the attack .
25 My brother , sister and I have made lots of friends whilst we have been down there , but it only really started to fascinate us from about 2 or 3 years ago , before then we had just been interested in swimming , going into the amusements and going to the beach etc .
26 It looks better for going around most of the edges and going over the grass .
27 Far from drawing in his horns and going on the defensive , he continued to seek out and exploit opportunities for further expansion .
28 The boatman pulled in , allowing Athelstan and Cranston to disembark at the Garden Stairs and go through the courts , corridors and passageways which linked the different buildings of Westminster Palace .
29 She heard the two men come down the stairs and go into the kitchen .
30 Many people took this game of make-believe to fantastic lengths and went through the whole elaborate business of a preparation for escape without the slightest real intention of ever carrying it out .
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