Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Heads with wiglike hair are frequent in various eastern arts and surely served as a model , but the Greek geometry is entirely absent from them .
2 Yes , there 's always been a genuine interest in the Arts Association as a point where the university , those people involved in the university , can hear about what 's taking place in the arts and also participate in some aspects of the advisory panels .
3 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
4 I lay there for a long time thinking about that , the loud insistence of the Mexican music from across the way drumming in my ears and gradually merging into the crashing ice of layering floes as my mind drifted into a fantasy of trekking with Iris Sunderby towards the dim outline of an icicle-festooned ghost of a ship , the man at the helm towering like a giant question mark over my jet-lagged brain .
5 Suddenly , from the top of the bank , Buckthorn flung himself headlong into the scuffle , knocked one of the guards flying with a kick from his back legs and then closed with the other .
6 It is possible to do away with demons and still cling to a belief in the Devil , but once the Devil is denied then ipso facto so are the demon hordes .
7 , John ( 1624–1701 ) , republican administrator and colonial governor , was the son of John Blackwell , a Puritan-inclined London businessman , who at one time supplied the royal household with groceries and latterly settled in Mortlake in Surrey , and his wife , who came from the Smithesby family , royal household servants .
8 This was not uncommon in some mining districts and even existed in the craft trade of hat making , the artisans who took in their wives to pick the coarse hairs from their material saving the 6 to 9s ( 30-45p ) a week which they would otherwise have had to pay from their wage .
9 Yes , erm , when Harlow was designed , it was appreciated that its , the , its purpose was to house workers in the factories and the offices and also to act as an overspill from London , and in nineteen sixty when Cossors were bringing their workers by the hundreds
10 The canons erected this burly structure at the close of the 12th century , and gained isolation both to recite their offices and perhaps to escape from damp and cold below ; a wide staircase and a gentle gradient took them through the thickness of the N wall .
11 His detailed and systematic accumulation of electoral information provided him with an unsurpassed knowledge of constituencies and candidates and greatly contributed to the efficient Conservative organization which triumphed in 1841 .
12 Can I paint over the eyes and then go over them again ?
13 Taylor made it clear that he is not happy with Platt , scorer of England 's last five goals and widely regarded as the manager 's favourite footballing son .
14 Mrs Wedderburn had been the piano accompanist , a reed of a woman who wore wire-framed spectacles and reputedly drank like a fish .
15 Baltic nationalism , which had been the least of the Tsar 's political worries and barely existed in 1917 , was nurtured by setting up independent little states as part of the quarantine belt against the Bolshevist infection .
16 This tour drives along the tranquil Vecht River with its stately mansions and castles and then meanders among the Loosdrecht Lakes .
17 Three times last week cars were stolen by reckless drivers and then set on fire .
18 Structural innovation means the introduction of new credit instruments or the development of new kinds of business by banks , such as the invention by Citibank of Certificates of Deposit in 1965 or the introduction of Money Market Funds and NOW accounts by Merrill Lynch in the mid-1970s .
19 I had a drink with the lads and then slept for a week — thinking about 4-irons and 5-irons !
20 The PDS-3 machines , which the company says it is pitching between Sun 's Sparcstation 2 and Sparcstation 10 offerings — will be available in the UK from Pinnacle Data Systems Europe Ltd , Dunstable , Bedfordshire — formerly known as Unix Solutions and now trading under the Pinnacle name — with European distributors being lined up .
21 Plenty of mysteries have lasted for centuries and finally yielded to explanation .
22 They would argue that the input should not be segmented into primitive units and then matched against the lexical representation .
23 She stops at the two cars and then goes to the one with the woman from Ty Fach because the girl is in the other one .
24 They have even given up their company cars and now tout for business in the firm 's delivery van .
25 Prohibitions of such appeals in the thirteenth century had often cited for their authority a papal indult of 1231 in which Gregory IX had conceded that the magnates and barons of England should not be summoned in litigation beyond the sea , a privilege subsequently generalized to all the king 's English subjects and soon known as the privilege of England .
26 It means that social science should not be seen as developing a stock of knowledge about an object which is external to us , but should develop a critical self-awareness in people as subjects and indeed assist in their emancipation .
27 But they felt unable to admit Gentiles as subjects and therefore embarked on a policy of forced conversions which ultimately resulted in the rise of the poorly Judaized Idumean Herodes to the throne of Jerusalem .
28 To everyone within the division who has worked particularly hard this year to establish and improve our business , I would like to pass on my thanks and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year .
29 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Computer Co has added two members in the IBM Speech Recognition Family , VoiceType Control for Windows and VoiceType 2 : VoiceType Control for Windows offers customers with an 80386SX processor and up the ability to manipulate the Windows 3.1 environment and existing Windows 3.1 applications with spoken commands such as File Save , Font Bold and Next Window ; VoiceType Control for Windows costs $130 , works with Sound Blaster audio boards , and is speaker-independent ; VoiceType 2 is designed for general dictation and input to MS-DOS applications , and enables users to continue to control their existing applications , such as word processing , databases or spreadsheet , simply by talking ; it comes ready to use with ‘ many popular software products such as Quicken , WordPerfect 5.1 , dBase and more ’ , and users can add their own commands ; VoiceType 2 , with the IBM M-Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor , runs on 80386SX and above personal computers and automatically adapts to a speaker 's unique voice pattern and allows for accents and other individual speech characteristics ; it costs $2,200 and will be available in late May .
30 Based on workstations rather than personal computers and invariably networked with either high volume page printers or typesetters for back-end output , companies such as Xerox , Xyvision , DEC and Context are pre-eminent .
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