Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [adj] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , the fascist movements emerged in conditions of economic crisis and fierce class struggles , but their development was also made possible by the existence of large numbers of déclassès and discontented former soldiers and officers who formed the fascist militias , by a rising tide of nationalism , and in the countries where they were successful , by authoritarian traditions of government .
2 The oldest book here is Kennett 's Roman Antiquities published in 1699 and still in perfectly sound condition , though its plates have been removed by a ‘ breaker ’ — someone who removes all the maps and plates from a book , sells the plates , coloured and framed , to interior designers and other such people , and then throws the book away .
3 They equip the bedrooms of hotels , nursing and residential homes and other such establishments .
4 I am not , after all , ’ she said , looking around her domain with a distinct smile , ‘ running a house of ill repute , which is what I fear the present title of Madame seems to suggest , along with bead curtains , red velvet plush love seats , champagne buckets and other such fittings and accoutrements which are not our style at all these days .
5 Thus such surveys ignore , for example , time spent in childminding of grandchildren and other such activities .
6 Apart from toys , walking-sticks , postcards and other such tourist necessities , he was also hoping to sell antiquités and the old things he had gathered lay about in an indescribable miscellany .
7 It is sometimes difficult for research workers from an academic background to convince businessmen and other such people of the value of their research .
8 The Museum of Automata is an Aladdin 's Cave of wonders , a ‘ moving ’ experience for all ages and open all year round .
9 Its agreement with Matsushita and Marubeni also give it important access to Japanese methods for miniaturising circuits and other such devices .
10 Workshops and other such activities will also be discussed , and we would welcome suggestions from staff as to how these might be organised .
11 In each of these environments there are numerous ‘ factors ’ , many of which constitute a threat to the safety of individuals and numerous such hazards have been mentioned .
12 The dual tasks of supervising committee operation and pruning committees and other such relationships back when they are no longer necessary are real management costs in strong culture firms .
13 5.2 The Distributor agrees to provide the Publisher with an annual sales report to the Publisher with sales figures and other such information as the Publisher may require .
14 5.2 The Distributor agrees to provide the Publisher with an annual sales report to the Publisher with sales figures and other such information as the Publisher may require .
15 5.2 The Distributor agrees to provide the Publisher with an annual sales report to the Publisher with sales figures and other such information as the Publisher may require .
16 The purchase and use of washing-machines , dishwashers , vacuum-cleaners , cookers , micro-wave ovens , freezers and other such goods , is an act which , while not changing the relations of production and the mode of production , does alter the productive forces in this sector of the economy .
17 There are great advantages to this style of entertaining ; the bonding between participants is inevitable and speedy , given the fact they all have to work together in close proximity ; business relationships are enhanced as company employees and valued clients share the hoisting of the sails and other such activities .
18 Is the Secretary of State aware that any measures taken to increase car security will be welcome in Northern Ireland , where stolen vehicles are so often used in terrorist murders and other such crimes ?
19 Note that Colonel Bogey type horns and other such ditties are now unlawful on vehicles first used before August I 1973 .
20 You read a lot about trying bends and pump inlets and other such features but , in my experience , these have not been very exceptional , the holding features often being far less obvious .
21 Similarly , carpets , curtains and other such household contents would also be excluded whilst undergoing a cleaning process .
22 The place had no style , no standards and precious few singers .
23 The organization of conferences , seminars and other such meetings can be most time-consuming and labour-intensive , and probably for this reason the clearinghouses are not quite as active in this area as one might expect , although each of the national clearinghouses regularly organize or sponsor at least one .
24 Feelings were mixed , a touch of sadness that it was all over and the thought of a shower , some dry clothes and other such luxuries one normally take for granted .
25 She had taken 30 tranquilizers and drunk several glasses of sherry .
26 Conferences and other such events are not going to go away .
27 There was something almost unnatural in his manner that made Tsu Ma think of childhood tales of changelings and magic spells and other such nonsense .
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