Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But , as she stretched out a hand to stroke the mare , Maldita moved even closer to Luke , flattening her ears and lashing out at Perdita protectively with a hind leg .
2 Gordon sat quite still for a few seconds , then uncrossed his legs and went out of the room , a room in his own house , or rather his mother 's .
3 Spectators , wandering along the pony lines , were amused to watch Fantasma , who 'd been muzzled to stop her savaging anyone , standing on her two front legs and lashing out with both back ones .
4 Patrick threw back the covers and hopped out of bed .
5 He sat up , rubbing his eyes and staring out at the mist that hung over the grey stone building .
6 Molly and her husband covered their eyes and peered out towards the lights .
7 He was given to these sudden spurts of activity , running ahead to hide among the bushes and jump out at her , leaping across puddles , rummaging for broken bottles and cans in the ditch and hurling them with a desperate intensity into the water .
8 My task had been to help these women to realise their own strengths and to speak out for themselves with courage and dignity .
9 The hoof sounds came nearer , irregular now as the two horses galloped together , rearing their heads and kicking out with their hind legs .
10 Once embarkation was complete , the great ship slipped her moorings and slid out into the Atlantic garlanded with thousands of waving hands and handkerchiefs , blown kisses and streamers .
11 Maastricht was a package and Major kept the bits in he wanted for his supporters and opted out of the things that he did n't want , first and foremost being the Social Chapter .
12 A trip around the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge , a visit to Alcatraz , riding the cable cars and dining out on Pier 49 are just some of the attractions of this jewel in California 's crown .
13 But there was no punishing flame , only orange tongues consuming the huts and reaching out into the dark sky .
14 Behind him Grey Sombrero took a crashing fall at the Chair and broke his shoulder , but all eyes were on Crisp as he skipped over the water in front of the exhilarated spectators in the stands and swung out towards the second circuit .
15 Later , well into the night , Mina and Kāli wrap blankets round their shoulders and walk out through the village .
16 He shrugged his shoulders and clambered out of the hole with his retinue following on behind .
17 When the transistor came along , we thought that with valves and relays out of the way , electronics would never ( well , hardly ever ) break down .
18 The next morning Carolyn stayed in her room and read , dipping in and out of Clare 's books and staring out of the window , feeling surprisingly content .
19 The girl finished stacking the guide books and slipped out from behind the desk .
20 However , I am very sad that the Government — for the next few months , anyway — are trying to drag their heels and opt out of so many important aspects of what the Community is doing .
21 He pulled up in front of the stone steps and got out of the car .
22 Mandeville suddenly put his finger to his lips and stepped out of the window embrasure .
23 One resident I spoke to , whose house is immediately on the zebra crossing , reports that every day he dreads hearing the squealing of bl brakes and looking out of his window .
24 It is hoped to revive lapsed groups in the near future in the city centre , Vauxhall , Dingle and Walton areas and branch out into as yet uncovered areas .
25 By now they were in among thickening crowds of people , nodding to acquaintances and looking out for their own key men from down the valley .
26 Dawson flicked on the headlights and swung out into the path of the oncoming cars .
27 Keep lighters and matches out of the reach of children .
28 Don Giovanni , though technically an opera buffa , is far removed from the light-hearted comedy of Figaro , in which characters change clothes , hide in cupboards and jump out of windows .
29 She put on her own sunglasses and looked out across the worn pitch .
30 Australia soaked the pressure , punished Ireland 's handling blunders and scampered out of their 22 at will to score tries that numbed the huge crowd .
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