Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing to do with me : in fact , I spent six hours fighting that decision in a totally futile meeting with Topaz and three top-level gorillas from Resource Deployment with cottonwool in their ears and Closed For Lunch signs on their brains . ’
2 A recent Protestant Church Synod , where speakers aired grievances and called for change , was a conspiracy ‘ to prepare the way for reunification ’ .
3 Of the other parties SDLP suffered because the votes of Republican Clubs supporters in particular were not transferred on elimination to SDLP candidates and support for Republican Clubs was so dispersed throughout the province that there was insufficient support in any constituency for one of their candidates to be elected .
4 Director General Sir Michael Checkland put a question mark over favourites like Big Break , Telly Addicts and Going For Gold yesterday .
5 ‘ God , Nurse , ’ Ted exclaimed virtuously , ‘ There 's nothing for a hot-blooded sinner like me to do when he sees you coming , except close his eyes and pray for continence . ’
6 He would linger on those delivery trips and stay for dinner or tea or come back via the Talbot , the pub across the road , although he was under age .
7 In Peking he contacted missionaries and asked for baptism .
8 The Errol Flynn looks crumbled with age , and the man whose strike rate in first-class cricket was better than O'Reilly 's , Mailey 's or Grimmett 's entered the twilight world of trampdom under the bridges of the Yarra , drinking meths and fossicking for food in garbage-bins .
9 While the Consumer Credit Act licensing system imposed a restraint on credit traders and provided for criminal and financial sanctions against unlicensed trading , the Association was concerned in 1985 at the minority of creditors who were either unaware of , or careless of the existence of , the licensing system .
10 Thereafter , Leo 's relationship with his adopted country dipped to the point where he was charged with stealing a car , sentenced to six months and recommended for deportation .
11 Indeed , not only the earlier act but God 's especial blessings to the British nation in the form of a tradition of civil liberties imposed a particular duty on it to act as exemplar to other nations and work for emancipation .
12 THIS can be cut into small festive shapes and used for Christmas tree decorations .
13 Newspapers were also cut into squares and used for toilet paper .
14 As they bargain they can now stop the drama and turn ( out of role ) to their peers and ask for help .
15 Gifts of cakes and produce for sale , or raffle prizes , will be gratefully received on the day at the Pop-In Club .
16 Soon I shall start snarling at visitors and grubbing for nourishment in the fields , simply because I can not bear to think of myself in the same category as Betty , and she has laid claim to humanity .
17 Besides its inherent flexibility — avoiding the need to file prospectuses and accounts for example — the attraction of borrowing in eurobond markets can be related , first , to desire on the part of borrowers to diversify sources of funding and , second , to desire to minimise uncertainty in international contracts by issuing claims denominated in the currency specified by the contract ( e.g. a UK firm issuing eurodollar bonds to finance trade or direct investment in the US ) .
18 They feed on insects , seed and shoots , digging in the snow with well-feathered feet and burrowing for food and shelter .
19 While she was working , Kalchu came up the ladder carrying a basket of jharo , the resinous wood that 's gouged from deep inside the trunks of the oldest , tallest pine trees , then cut into chips and burned for lighting .
20 Additionally , there would be various piles of books taken off the shelves and marked for action of one kind or another .
21 Because they are highly-trained professionals , prompt action has saved many innocent lives and accounted for terrorist gunmen engaged in the act of indiscriminate killing .
22 Develops intensive reading skills and reading for gist , gives practice in business vocabulary and revises grammatical structures .
23 When astronauts voyage to distant planets and look for life , they can expect to find creatures too strange and unearthly for us to imagine .
24 They have been protecting dissident groups and appealing for non-violence .
25 In the nearest modern marketing has come to the skin-flintery of Ebenezer Scrooge , a growing number of American shopping malls have picked the Christmas season to ban the Salvation Army from ringing its bells and asking for money for its traditional Big Red Kettle collection boxes .
26 She drew deep breaths and fought for control over her trembling limbs .
27 Routine Guthrie testing has been carried out for phenylketonuria since the mid-1970s and testing for hypothyroidism since the mid-'80s .
28 SCOTLAND Yard yesterday issued descriptions of the two vans used in the IRA bombings in the City of London and Staples Corner bombs and appealed for information about their movements on and before last Friday .
29 He was a clever , devious swine , she reflected bitterly as she cleaned her teeth and prepared for bed .
30 The Germans are asking their ‘ sickness funds ’ ( which collect payroll taxes and arrange for care ) to cancel contracts with inefficient hospitals and are obliging hospitals to publish details of their costs .
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