Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [verb] [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 The ensuing exchange over the months turned the whole cast of Balzac 's Comédie Humaine into Katherine 's familiars and gave her an awareness of greed and ambition , love and betrayal far beyond her years .
2 I have great admiration for all those involved in the Academy of Culinary Arts and think it a fine , courageous and important creation , but can someone explain how a meal of such ineptitude can be served in its name , and how some of the best chefs and restaurateurs in the world can have eaten it without public comment ?
3 through my ears and gives me a headache
4 The purpose of the Enterprise is to involve Third World countries in mining nodules and give them a share in the profits .
5 Please positively encourage everyone to renew their membership for 1989 and speak to all non-members and offer them a Medau News to read ( special copies available continuing membership form and letter from the Office or ) there is a surprise gift pack for all new members in 1989 .
6 He rolled his eyes and blew her a kiss but unfortunately Maggie saw him do it .
7 Tod and I reclined on the wrung bedding as Irene advanced into the room , holding a tightly gripped paper tissue to her eyes and calling us a piece of shit .
8 Then he bathed her eyes and made her a cup of tea .
9 We are Mick(19) and Steve ( 18 ) and we 're in the Forces- So let us open your eyes and show you a new way of life .
10 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
11 The woman at the door raised weary , gold-lidded eyes and gave her an anonymous welcoming smile .
12 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
13 The prospects may therefore be good for a long-term strategy which aims at both restricting the scale of most operating units and granting them a reasonable degree of operational autonomy in order to make participative democracy a feasible proposition , while developing further the economies of administration , co-ordination , etc. which are at present realised by large-scale enterprises .
14 Clare takes conventional subjects and gives them a twist , physically and artistically .
15 Compressed charcoal , charcoal and carbon pencils and easy-to-hold crayons are all available in good art shops and offer you a wide range of possibilities and excellent standards of quality .
16 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
17 I said I would " quite understand " if she wanted to cut her losses and call it a day .
18 The father put both hands on his son 's shoulders and pushed him a step or two towards Lucier .
19 I get hold of her shoulders and give her a good shake .
20 ‘ Just take these other duties off my shoulders and give me a day a week for the next year to attend a decent training course so that I can master it , and I 'm yours . ’
21 He shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a warm smile .
22 They shared a commiserating smile , and Mick put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a friendly hug .
23 In November 1958 he told the Western powers that they must leave Berlin within six months and make it a ‘ free city ’ , or he would sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany .
24 Some grain of self-preserving sense must have penetrated Rickie 's skull , for he suddenly dropped on to his heels and offered me a placatory grin .
25 Eventually I fell on my knees and called him a fucking bastard , and he just laughed .
26 She touched her fingers to her lips and blew him a kiss , laughing huskily .
27 Thacker put his hands back in his pockets and gave her a pitying look .
28 But instead , she had let him drive her back to the flat ; had stood by in mute acquiescence while he 'd ransacked her drawers and cupboards and packed her a bag .
29 I jump to my feet and give her a hug , and she pats my back .
30 He stared back and , blushing with confusion , she rose to her feet and gave him a little bob .
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