Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [noun] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It can hardly be pure coincidence that within three years of Kinsey 's appearance the limits of permissible sexual explicitness in the arts and entertainment had radically changed and with them the public image of the ideal woman as projected in , above all , films .
2 By the time doctors discovered what was wrong , the tissue in her legs and arms had already been eaten away .
3 Moreover , the cross breeding of domestic animals and livestock had long since proved that such changes could be artificially induced .
4 Leeds parish had eleven townships and Manchester had as many as thirty ; Bradford parish covered about 40,000 acres and Halifax parish — the largest in England — was twice that size .
5 Golden lads and lasses had just breakfasted on golden toast , a little blackened at the edge in some cases , spread with golden shred or golden syrup .
6 All the earlier confusions and contradictions had apparently been resolved .
7 It also said HP-UX multi-user computers , test-and-measurement products and medical equipment had good increases over last year , and even personal computers and components had very good order levels .
8 The musicians on board played violins and Ruth had never heard anything like it before .
9 A strong east wind crested the wavelets on the dark bosom of Loch Ness , rain-clouds gave to each hill a sombre tone ; some rocky crags and woodland had deeper and richer hues ; while the foreground of heather in full bloom , a corn-field , and potato and turnip rigs , gave other colourings .
10 His hand and arms were free , but his knees and ankles had long since given out .
11 Katherine smiled proudly ; the voice , the accent and the pose were English , three years of the best schools and governesses had completely eradicated the Dublin accent .
12 These found that populations of sea otters , harbour seals , bald eagles , sea ducks , murres , clams and snails had all plummeted , and few were showing signs of recovery .
13 By the early nineteenth century some areas and classes had already achieved levels of survival not enjoyed by the country as a whole until about 1900 .
14 There was a complication in that the companies and shareholders had previously made various unspecified claims against one of the banks .
15 Mr Roddy Jackson , who is co-ordinating the events on the duke 's behalf , said yesterday that a number of companies and organisations had already made bookings .
16 Rural crafts and industries had long provided extra income for smallholders and cottagers , but by Victorian times population and economic growth had created a large , landless labour force whose members had to earn their entire living from a single craft or a manual occupation .
17 As we dropped down towards Gunnerside , rabbits exploded in all directions and Bill had so many to choose from he lay down confused , unable to make his mind up , looking at us pitifully as though we could make up his mind for him .
18 Ferranti said the Coopers report confirmed what its own directors and accountants had already established — namely that ‘ phantom ’ assets and profits had been created in ISC 's accounts worth some £215m .
19 Dogs gasped and changed places ; long ago cushions and covers had placidly yielded up their colours ; Aunt Tossie 's parrots fainted into their backgrounds , curtains dangled the edges of their rotten linings in the glare ; the evening was brimmed with lassitude .
20 By this time all London 's pubs and clubs had firmly shut their doors to skinheads .
21 The fact that parts of Poland were virtually indistinguishable from parts of Germany in terms of social complexity , levels of absolute poverty and economic success , that the Polish szlachta and the German Junker had more in common with each other than they did with either Berliners or Warsawians , that the average Polish and German smallholders and peasants had more in common with each other than they did with their social betters and political masters — all this meant nothing , except perhaps to make the Germans more convinced that the Poles would eventually drag them down to the Polish level of degradation .
22 In forty-four years the British had yet to recover fully from victory in the Second World War , even though the Germans and Japanese had so manifestly recovered from defeat .
23 The author of the Life of Wilfrid , who represents Wilfrid as persuading the king and queen to accept the word of God and as preaching to a people who had never before heard the Gospel , undoubtedly exaggerates the paganism of the southern Saxons , for Bede reveals from non-Wilfridian sources , first , that Aethelwealh had married a Christian princess and had been baptized himself and , second , that a number of ealdormen and thegns had likewise received baptism , with the priests , Eappa , Padda , Burghelm and Aeddi ministering to the common people either at the time of Aethelwealh 's conversion or subsequently ( HE IV , 13 ) .
24 Both Anglicans and Nonconformists had successfully controlled many school boards since their establishment in 1870 , assisted by the low turn-outs in school board elections .
25 Neither church nor hotel authorities could accommodate canines and Luke had never been to kennels .
26 It also shows that whereas the universities and polytechnics/colleges had almost the same number of full-time students in 1987 , part-time students were mainly concentrated in the latter and the Open University .
27 Blood was seeping rapidly through his trousers and Rachel had just attempted to staunch the flow when she felt someone touch her shoulder .
28 It pointed out that the Committee had found that Gothic and Classic were equally suitable as the style to be adopted , but Coe and Hofland and Banks and Barry had mistakenly chosen .
29 According to the Financial Times of April 26 , 1990 , a joint IMF/World Bank report on the Brady plan stated that fewer deals had been concluded than hoped for and that negotiations between banks and debtors had often taken too long .
30 As the 18th century turned , governments and officials had less to offer and newspaper publishers found advertising more lucrative as a form of revenue .
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