Example sentences of "[noun pl] of most of the " in BNC.

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1 The special characteristics of most of the clones held at Kew are listed in documents such as the International Cacao Cultivar Catalogue , so that the breeder can request clones with features relevant to local needs , such as ease of propagation by cuttings , or ability to grow well without shade .
2 Nithard 's main focus was on Charles ; but in July 840 the eyes of most of the elite were on Lothar .
3 In addition to the traditional songs of Scotland , the Glasgow Orpheus Choir gave early performances of most of the part-songs of Sir Edward Elgar [ q.v. ] and included in their programmes music by Bach , Brahms , and Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox liturgical music .
4 Dent is so refreshingly different from the city environments of most of the visitors that it would be churlish to deny them this glimpse of a way of life that belongs to history .
5 Even in the mid-afternoon there were still copies of most of the morning 's newspapers , and Carson picked up a couple at random .
6 As the risk and returns of most of the assets can not be observed the tests hitherto had been biased .
7 The rents of most of the houses in Combsburgh vary from 1/ — to 1/6d per week . ’
8 And it is this that also characterises the responses of most of the correspondents who covered either Vietnam or Cambodia or both .
9 We can be fairly certain that the lives of most of the people were dominated by the need to provide the means of subsistence and somewhere to shelter .
10 We can be fairly certain that the lives of most of the people were dominated by the need to provide the means of subsistence and somewhere to shelter .
11 It should be explained that between the ages of twelve and thirty the union of the epiphyses of most of the long bones with the shafts takes place , and by the age of twenty-four most of the epiphyses have united .
12 Between 1645 and 1660 , the official liturgy of the state church was that outlined in the Presbyterian Directory of Public Worship , which contained shortened and simplified versions of most of the pre-1640 Prayer Book ceremonies , purged of the features that the Puritans had found so offensive .
13 The seeds of most of the plants have a smell of vanilla ; nine of the 10 epiphyte species examined in Amazonia had the same volatile oil and a second , unrelated , compound in six of them .
14 Some of the fruits of his literary labours are gathered here in an anthology sourced from newspaper writings and his previous books , with scrutinies of most of the top players of the past few years , Test and county .
15 The beliefs of this group centred on Downing Street were completely at odds with the ideas of most of the Great and Good whom , indeed , they regarded as a symptom of the problem .
16 But they include various agreeable academic posts such as the mastership of Trinity College , Cambridge , regius professorships , the boards of most of the great museums and galleries , and the deans of cathedrals ( when it comes to bishops , changes introduced during the Callaghan premiership restrict the prime minister 's choice to two names , submitted by a Church of England committee ) .
17 Regrettably , first and middle names or initials of most of the participants involved in the two transfers were not recorded by Commander McGuinness .
18 The Pontins League includes the reserve teams of most of the North 's top clubs , with Everton gaining promotion back to the first division last season after being relegated 12 months previously .
19 In the peacetime years of the Third Reich , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ did not rank prominently on the scale of priorities of most of the German population .
20 The wild relatives of most of the plants of the African savannah complex grow today in the savannah and it has been assumed that they were domesticated somewhere within that zone .
21 He reads and digests material on a vast range of topics and picks the brains of most of the leading authorities .
22 It is significant that the parties to the management agreement do not include the owners of most of the affected coastline : a family trust , the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers , and the owner of Marine Villa .
23 It was here that he completed income tax forms , read carefully through the property pages of most of the local newspapers and , most sacred of all , worked on his Complete History of Wimbledon .
24 This figure might well have been aimed at ‘ warbird ’ restorers but the FW 189 is possibly too ‘ off beam ’ for the tastes of most of the established operator/restorers .
25 The introduction of audit regulation has meant that ICAEW is therefore responsible for the regulation of the auditors of most of the country 's major organisations .
26 In one area he was fortunate enough to gain access to doctors ' lists , which contain the names of most of the population since nearly everyone of every age is registered with a general practitioner .
27 ‘ A year later Hugh Butterworth , chief executive of Clark Whitehill , wrote to him saying that a copy of Mr Young 's will , which included names of most of the investors , had been sent to the Revenue without Clark Whitehill 's permission . ’
28 Spend two days in tour fatigues with this new , arena-compatible Nirvana production machine — ‘ I do n't know the names of most of the crew , ’ admits Dave — and it dawns on you that the overriding issue here is not that Kurt Cobain is on heroin ( or is n't , or was , or is and is trying to get off ) but that his wife is a Grade A pain in the arse .
29 He 'd worked in the building for five years , and knew the names of most of the occupants ' visitors .
30 Guy proved an excellent guide , laconically volunteering the names of most of the plants and birds , and conversation remained on an impersonal monotone .
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