Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Under its skin , instead of succulent cuts of prime meat you 're much more likely to get all sorts of other things instead .
2 Moss and lichens grow only where the air is clean , which is a good sign in some ways , but moss can block gutters and valleys , eventually presenting all sorts of other problems too , particularly in heavy rain .
3 there is an abiding dream in American literature that an unpatterned , unconditioned life is possible … there is also an abiding American dread that someone else is patterning your life , that there are all sorts of invisible plots afoot to rob you of your autonomy of thought and action .
4 But , back in my room , all sorts of hopeless thoughts again attacked me .
5 LEO You are bound to find yourself thinking about all sorts of future possibilities now !
6 Although winless since 1987 and suffering all sorts of mental anguish both on and off the course , Torrance was eager for the 1990 campaign to start .
7 in the second half so we can expect to see Collimore racing on to all sorts of long balls now .
8 So that is a Jacquard , and that 's an electronic Jacquard , means you can do all sorts of different patterns now , where it used to be limited it 's unlimited now .
9 All sorts of different tunings suddenly became really easy for me and we wound up using that guitar for Friends , The Extremist , War and Motorcycle Driver . ’
10 There are all sorts of self-help agencies nowadays to support women in bereavement : Cruse and the National Association for Widows , the National Council for Separated and Divorced , and Gingerbread are just some of the organisations offering support and advice in various ways ( addresses on page 145 ) .
11 Well er all sorts of funny people like have them like erm Iris has , has them .
12 In the space of a mere fifteen years , in the sixties and seventies , and in spite of all sorts of elaborate rules supposedly designed to protect that great view , your predecessors , as the planners , architects and developers of the City , wrecked the London skyline and desecrated the dome of St Paul 's .
13 The elaborate songs of male birds clearly fit best a manipulatory interpretation .
14 Closer contacts between education and places of work through Work Experience , visits to schools , etc. , are the best way of ensuring that employers value the skills and aptitudes of young people regardless of gender , race or disability .
15 Taking generalised formulations of legal theory seriously can often lead into the cul-de-sac of the unspoken assumption of that theory .
16 Women who preferred who preferred traditional methods of sanitary protection either had to stand in long queues in order to buy just one or two towels you could n't even buy a packet , you could just buy one or two or make do with other methods .
17 It is just as important to expect and recognise the body 's warning signals of neurogenic shock so that it can be effectively treated .
18 Some readers of Practical Fishkeeping probably believe that we are tightly in league with the manufacturers and retailers who advertise in this magazine .
19 Overall , the swing in our panel over the year leading up to the 1987 election was 5 per cent , but among persistent readers of Tory tabloids it was 12 per cent , and among persistent readers of Labour tabloids only 1 per cent .
20 Like Gray 's protagonist , readers of Lanark — readers of postmodernist fiction generally — are likely to get lost in an ‘ Intercalendrical Zone ’ .
21 I would like to advise readers of IDEAL HOME always to carry out basic surveillance when a washing machine is installed .
22 So we really do have to fight fiercely , and to do that , of course , erm one of the things that we do I think most effectively is to bring waves of foreign journalists here to write about how beautiful erm Britain is and indeed into your area , into the Oxford area , erm we 've got the Canadian T V crew coming next week , who 'll be filming and erm making erm documentary films for Canadian T V , which should be screened fairly quickly .
23 Edward pushed forward the bounds of secular authority usually in reaction to some clerical move or in defence of the needs and customs of royal government ; but as much as by the king this boundary was advanced by his subjects , whether suing for their individual rights and interests through the king 's courts or acting as royal justices , and not a few of these aggressive subjects were in fact clergy themselves .
24 Animals of high status commonly provide the reassurance that stabilizes interaction , and relations between close kin clearly underlie most of the contacts that take place .
25 In the eyes of Scots fans everywhere , he needed a good doing over and if Tiger McKay was too old to give him , one then there was always Wild Bill Bremner .
26 Without wanting to appear too sanguine , and without trivializing the persistent phenomenon of right-wing extremism and the need to maintain vigilance against it , the full realization of the responsibility which Hitler bears for the untold agonies suffered by millions has so discredited everything he stood for in the eyes of sane persons everywhere that , except in circumstances beyond the scope of our realistic imagination , it is difficult to see that there could be a resurrection or a new variant of the once-mighty ‘ Hitler myth ’ , with its power to capture the imagination of millions .
27 To measure the effect on general practitioner referrals for radiography of introducing guidelines of good practice together with monitoring and peer review .
28 Later , sitting weakly on a disquietingly depopulated sun deck as we drift downriver towards Edfu , I put the worries of tropical viruses aside and watch the river banks roll lazily by , parallel fringes of lush greenery backed abruptly by the yellow hills of the desert .
29 Wisely , Bright has included biographical entries of dead linguists only .
30 The villain stepped in front of me , two of the thugs he always kept in the tavern to crack the heads of noisy revellers now standing behind him .
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