Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] from [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As the riders struggle up through the hairpins , you can hear the screams of encouragement from below .
2 I think that the House needs to know whether he will abolish fund holding in the teeth of opposition from virtually every GP and from the British Medical Association .
3 There are no flows of lava from within , the only liquid rock at the surface being the local result of impacts .
4 A rise in money supply equals the PSBR minus sales of public-sector debt to the non-bank private sector , plus banks ' lending to the private sector ( less increases in banks ' capital ) , plus inflows of money from abroad .
5 High interest rates encourage inflows of money from abroad .
6 Inflows of money from abroad drive up the exchange rate .
7 The more subversive possibility is that the discourse of prejudice contains an element that threatens the foundations of multiculturalism from within .
8 There is a real feel here for a developing area of research , which avoids giving a misleading impression that the current state of the art provides any ultimate answers , handed down on tablets of stone from above .
9 Poverty and restricted opportunities for employment as a result of under-development are usually regarded as so-called ‘ push ’ factors in the explanation of patterns of emigration from less developed countries , and in the case of the Indian sub-continent and the Caribbean Islands have operated powerfully throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in compelling sections of their populations to find work abroad , very often servicing the economic and military needs of the British Empire .
10 And exposure to the drying effects of sunlight from more frequent beach holidays , central heating , air conditioning and pollution only exacerbates dry hair problems .
11 Boys and old men drove donkeys , which carried baskets of sand from where it had blown into the town at one end , to be taken off by the wind at the other .
12 Both Wales and Scotland reported clean bills of health from yesterday 's respective sessions .
13 In a reasonably good year like 1989 it was between 12 and 13 times greater , fortunately , perhaps , since the Soviet Union was obliged to purchase 40 million tonnes of grain from abroad .
14 The UN reckons it will need to get 2.2m tonnes of food from outside this year , and wants another 1.6m for the rest of black Africa ( see chart on next page ) .
15 I waited for exclamations of horror from above , for someone to call Harry 's name in alarm , for some natural innocent reaction to the floor 's collapse .
16 WE get thousands of pieces of paperwork from all over the world at the Matchroom : fan mail , bills and God knows what else .
17 The main topic of conversation was not which England players are playing their last Test , but which is the most useless advertisement around the ground , now that Durox Supablocs of blessed memory seem to have faded back into the mists of uncertainty from whence they came .
18 At times , such spaces are invaded by new kinds of musician from previously untapped social sources .
19 You 'll get cries of innocence from all over the City , of course .
20 It was interrupted by sounds of scrabbling from upstairs .
21 With a shout , several Secte Rouge members dashed out of the lit area , engendering sudden sounds of struggle from outside .
22 Listening carefully , could just make out sounds of movement from somewhere down below .
23 That is , the aim of describing the state of the society by gathering hard facts about the conditions of life from as many people as possible ; hard facts to do with income , expenditure , consumption or living conditions .
24 Miller stressed the point that former writers had not had the opportunity of seeing the flower or fruit of new exotics cultivated in English gardens , but by this time many had and details of others had been ‘ communicated by persons of skill from abroad ’ and ‘ so the ranging of plants under their proper heads is now better understood and the science of botany rendered more complete ’ .
25 But in terms of investment from here , it does n't face much of a future ’
26 ‘ But , in terms of investment from here , it does n't face much of a future .
27 In such situations the survivors in the evolutionary race are invariably the gleaners of oxygen from both water and air .
28 Gay men attending sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) clinics have rates of infection from less than 2% to 25% , depending on the clinic .
29 People who have injected drugs have rates of infection from under 2% in some regions to 70% , with the highest proportion found in Edinburgh .
30 It was the legacy of the previous form of uneven development based in the sectoral spatial division of labour ( high levels of unemployment from previously dominant sectors which had overwhelmingly employed men ) which provided the conditions ( regional policy grants , a ‘ green ’ , female labour force anxious for paid employment ) which attracted in this new form of economic activity and laid down a new form of uneven development .
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