Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [prep] both " in BNC.

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1 Ewshot fought back in the second half and Murphy , despite an injury to his nose , covered acres of ground in both attack and defence to keep them at bay .
2 The apparent disintegration of Yugoslavia reached the stage of unilateral declarations of independence by both Slovenia and Croatia on June 25 .
3 This is reflected in our recommendations for programmes of study in both the reading and the writing profile components .
4 Singapore is a famously good place to shop and eat , and recent shifts of attitude by both government and tourism chiefs have made it more interesting and attractive .
5 One of the most fundamental of those was the importance of clearly-stated and widely publicized rules of conduct for both staff and prisoners ( Howard 1792 : 148 , 152 , 154 , 166–9 ) .
6 However , composers such as Webern have used accompaniments based on canon or loose forms of imitation in both solo and choral pieces .
7 The organisation of the Latin office of the Church at the Canonical Hours evolved from a complex tradition of teaching which found justification for these hours of prayer in both Old and New Testaments of the Bible ; and a general pattern emerged in which they were connected with the Passion narrative .
8 Whatever the ultimate effects of the present move to academic excellence and competition in our schools I would point people in the diocese to notice the serious cuts which are being made within other areas of education in both Cumbria and Lancashire — and especially , in this time of discussion about juvenile crime , in the County Youth Services .
9 In Wilkins one finds an elaborate and adaptable theory of knowledge , which differentiated between fundamental truths , provisional hypotheses , and areas of uncertainty in both scientific and religious domains .
10 Even so , the potential gain from a lower rate — even if it had been negotiable through the International Monetary Fund — is not easy to estimate because of the problems of relative elasticities of demand for both exports and imports and the problem of the cost effects of higher import prices , not least as they would have affected wage bargaining [ Ball , 1967 ] .
11 Table A in the Schedule to the Act specifies articles of association for both private and public companies limited by shares .
12 We began this chapter by noting the importance of certain ideas of science amongst both lecturers and students .
13 Stewart has many years of experience in both graphic and carpet design , gained as the Senior Designer in the London offices of Stoddard Mercia , and previously as the London Contract Designer with B.M.K.
14 It is fairly easy to quantify many of the costs of marketing in both human and financial terms , the extra meetings , the extra bits of Paper are identifiable in terms of time and cash .
15 There are , as you probably know , almost endless variations of cabling on both single and double bed .
16 The dates of composition of both Hocazade 's and Ali Tusi 's works on the seem to be unknown , and there does not appear to be any evidence which would enable one to date the foundation of Mehmed II's addition to the Uc Serefeli medrese .
17 Once he had come to the throne , Charles quickly answered this call for religious change by promoting notable Arminians to positions of prominence in both church and state .
18 In reality the key positions of power in both politics and the law were normally held by men in their forties and fifties .
19 Medical records are sources of information for both medical and administrative purposes .
20 In such situations the survivors in the evolutionary race are invariably the gleaners of oxygen from both water and air .
21 ‘ Because it has no branches , Firstdirect can offer attractive rates of interest on both savings and borrowing , ’ claims Midland .
22 Importantly they also adversely affect levels of amenity in both residential and commercial areas .
23 The goal of the day hospital is to ensure that the patient 's level of functioning is maintained at as high a level as possible , while levels of anxiety in both patient and carer are decreased , levels of confidence being likewise increased .
24 It is also true that the growing body of scientific evidence has had one effect in that the agreed levels of exposure to both people who work in the industry or who live in the vicinity of power stations have become steadily more stringent since the early days when it was thought unnecessary to warn military personnel that there was any risk in their presence a matter of miles from an atomic test explosion .
25 The reduction also reflected lower levels of expenditure in both BP Exploration and BP Chemicals , where significant projects such as the Miller field and the Grangemouth cracker expansion were completed in 1992 .
26 These organisations have been set up to educate and inspire people to greater levels of achievement in both their personal and business lives .
27 This will require a movement towards common levels of investment in both physical and human capital in each industry .
28 If , as is possible , the optical company was in a monopolistic or oligopolistic position , they could afford to adopt work practices which were actually rather costly even though they gave higher levels of satisfaction to both workers and management .
29 The issues considered by the research are relevant to practical questions but are chiefly theoretical , dealing with the relative use of verbal , spatial and motor representations of movement in both working memory and long term memory .
30 However in all of these fields there was a still older tradition of the free market and elements of this were present in early strands of competition in both telecoms and radio ; these , however had often been eradicated by the mid-twentieth century .
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