Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun sg] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If we turn our attention briefly to tobacco , much is made ( and quite rightly ) of the health risks of smoking and we are constantly reminded of the cost to the National Health Service for treating patients with smoking-related diseases .
2 Risks of biotechnology and their regulation
3 The handmaids of the Everqueen are not mere courtiers ; they are her warrior guard — a hundred beautiful Elf-maids schooled in the arts of war till they exceed or even surpass the greatest of Elf knights with sword , bow and lance .
4 * Develop a register for your academic writing which avoids characteristics of speech but which you can still comfortably read aloud ( see pp. 73 – 4 ) .
5 Kodak , for example , is beginning to reap the same sorts of advantage as it carefully allocates supply among all its producing units .
6 ‘ It will start all sorts of speculation that we are getting back together and I am not going for that . ’
7 We still get an , er quite a few calls where fireworks have been pushed through letter boxes , in including pillar boxes , and they can cause all sorts of havoc although they 'll not do an awful lot of damage to individuals .
8 So , too , were the practical demonstrations of getting comfortable , breathing exercises and familiarisation with the sorts of equipment that we might encounter during the labour itself .
9 I did fucking , I did five years of normal paperwork and plus for the last three years I did double as well cos I got kicked out of french , so I was in metal work like , four hours of metal work every week the last three three years and , cos I was like nine times out of ten I was the only bloke there , the er , the er metal work teacher got on really well , he was showing me all sorts of stuff and I never got to do the actual metal work lesson
10 They 're very supportive , but they 're not the sorts of theatre where you want to open . ’
11 Their main concern is in divulging the sorts of fuel that they use to generate power .
12 ‘ I do think that men and women have different sorts of friendship and I 'm not sure that wives can ever understand male friendships .
13 A common result of this is that when the philosophers deny autonomy to women , they do so for the same sorts of reason that they deny it to children and cite lack of rationality , capriciousness and vulnerability among their characteristics .
14 There was also a noting of a physical pattern ‘ … a physically produced rhythm … the sorts of rhythm that your hand makes automatically ’ .
15 You 're talking about all sorts of geography that I did n't study at school .
16 On Sunday I put on Songs of Praise and she 's right in her element .
17 All they had done was to pick ears of corn as they walked along , rub them in their hands and eat the grain .
18 You 'll also find lots of leaflets available from main showrooms which tell you how much appliances cost to run , how to cut down on costs , and helpful methods of payment if you have to economise drastically .
19 It 's certainly true that the methods of treatment that we use in miocenia gravis at the moment are not specific .
20 ‘ We have seen the option of ‘ further use ’ being used in the past as a gateway to all sorts of possible bad and environmentally unfriendly methods of disposal and we want that loophole closed ’ .
21 Attention will be oriented to the imagery and assumptions about reproductive physiology on which methods of contraception and their evaluation are based .
22 The Germans intensified and brutalized their methods of interrogation until it was quite usual for a prisoner who refused to talk to be kept in solitary confinement under intentionally unpleasant conditions for weeks .
23 Only brief attention will be given to traditional methods of appraisal as they have little to offer to either the public or private sector .
24 It only slowed down on nearing the outskirts of Teplyystan where it turned off on to a narrow road leading into the Bittsevsky forest park , a panoramic landscape of ravines and gorges layered with fir , oak and pine plantations .
25 He had his legs crossed , and he was smoking an old pipe , from which came a vile smell and great plumes of smoke as he puffed at it .
26 Then this would never have happened , or if it had ( I could n't bring myself to unwish an experience which still washed over me with waves of delight when I remembered it ) at least Toby would have known what he was doing , his eyes would have been open .
27 This was the Finaghy lads first fight at home in six years and you could almost feel seismic waves of anticipation as he came to the ringside .
28 A stove in the corner of the little room was giving out great waves of heat and there was the smell of leather , sweat and cigar smoke which seemed to hang in all German guard-rooms .
29 And if he had meted out to Elise the same unpredictable treatment , the same highs and lows , then it was n't beyond the bounds of possibility that he was the kind of man who made a girl , driven beyond all logic , all reason , decide that life without him was no longer worth living .
30 They even began to assign personalities to those blobs of jelly that we collected .
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