Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [pos pn] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 For the time he has parted with the nobler characteristics of his humanity for the sake of a planetary power of locomotion .
2 The miners ' strike of 1984/5 was without doubt one of the most important and serious disputes of its kind for at least sixty years , that is since the General Strike of 1926 .
3 The result is that ordinary motorists can now get the cars of their dreams for a song , and they could even end up being a good little earner .
4 In fact , there is no further mention of the chapel in the Minute Books of their Meetings for nearly three centuries , and much later they were to claim that they did not know about it until it was brought to their attention for the first time in 1846 .
5 Some aspects of its proposals for reforming the police and rethinking police tactics were implemented during 1982 and 1983 , but evidence of the ‘ urgent action ’ which it called for in other areas remained difficult to find .
6 Imagination is , in all three aspects of its value for RE , intimately connected with the development of religious concepts .
7 Today is a lucky turning point in many aspects of your life for there 's so much opulent opportunity enveloping you that you ca n't fail to make a success of a personal plan or professional project .
8 If you use a local Community Insulation Project to insulate your loft , they will deal with all aspects of your application for you .
9 Journalists focused on a wide range of issues from specific aspects of our accounts for 1992/93 to the forms which privatisation may take and associated timing , to our projected future staffing levels .
10 My right hon. Friends and I are currently seeking the views of interested parties on a package of measures designed to enhance environmental aspects of our support for hill farming .
11 The smaller girl was already quietly repeating the words of her song for the twentieth time .
12 The National Art Collections Fund announced the winners of its awards for outstanding contributions to the visual arts in Britain on 15 April .
13 His works were regarded as ‘ one of the best schools of its time for the training of practical mechanics ’ , the most distinguished engineer to work there being ( Sir ) Joseph Whitworth [ q.v . ] .
14 They were under increased ( local ) pressure to respond to the demands of their residents for welfare support .
15 He walked me slowly out to the garden gate — a kindly old man , more interested in his trees and his plans for the palace , his rowing and his cycling than in the ruder demands of his people for democracy and good government .
16 These people gave up three months of their life for an important mission .
17 I announced last week assistance to Russia in the safe reduction of its surplus nuclear warheads , and we are considering with other interested countries how best to help Russia use the skills of its scientists for peaceful purposes .
18 Bob Wierdsma of Peterborough , Ontario , invites cartoonists to submit copies of their work for publication , along with a short description of the context of their work , their hopes and objectives .
19 Herman had two copies of her book for her to sign — one for himself and one for a friend .
20 Letter from Vial to the Odiham Society , to whom he had sent 10 copies of his plan for forming a veterinary college .
21 From his local library he got photocopies of the maps of his district for 1811 , 1843 and 1871 ; he 'd sit there and try to work out how the changes in the maps related to the view at night ; where the darkness of rookeries , courts and tenements had been replaced with the darkness of lampless parks and public gardens .
22 In the 1980S the Basques have had much international publicity because of the passion and all too often the excesses of their campaign for separatism .
23 It must have been at the very time of the proceedings against Myln that the archbishop of St Andrews received the earl of Argyll 's answers to his letter of admonition of 31 March 1558 , in which he warned the earl of the dangers of his support for Protestantism .
24 ON THURSDAY , one of London 's most extravagant society events is taking place when fans of Lord Healey , Sir Anthony Caro , David Frost , Lord Carrington and Joan Collins can have dinner with the objects of their admiration for just £100 .
25 A dialect , too , where syntax and grammar work differently to ‘ standard ’ English , the sort taught in our educational institutions , shows that someone has consciously or unconsciously chosen not to abandon the speech patterns of their region for the blander cadences of BBC English .
26 Although Gould might have increased his funds through sponsorship , he wisely insisted on remaining independent of any institution , reserving the rewards of his labours for no one but himself .
27 Yet rather than desert their tradition , people have begun to search within the myths and rituals of their religion for interpretations that redress this balance .
28 It was he who stopped the first , suddenly drawing himself up , searching in the pockets of his jacket for a handkerchief .
29 It ought to be remembered that he was still forced to wear a truss because of his congenital hernia — no one has speculated on the physiological origins of his need for order and control — and that he was a victim of tachycardia .
30 Time and again a landowner , the man who actually has the most to lose since it is his land , is willing to donate corners of his fields for ponds or tree planting , as his contribution to the environmental compromise of a land-drainage scheme ; but then a letter from his agent arrives , demanding that these corners be heavily compensated or even bought by the water authority , as payment for the concessions made .
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