Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [pron] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
2 It was because of the overpowering force of this favouritism that he had chosen to move elsewhere , making the demands of his job the pretext .
3 Moreover , foreign policy dictated caution ; with France and Scotland in alliance , she could not immediately break with Spain , and for the first four months of her reign the watching world was asked to believe in her willingness to contemplate marriage with her late sister 's husband , Philip II .
4 Within a few months of its publication the government had launched a huge inquiry into pensions which was to produce a series of changes — including the right of employees changing jobs to either take a pension with them , or leave it with the previous employer and have it uprated in line with the retail price index up to a maximum of 5 per cent .
5 Within a few months of its establishment the National Curriculum Council had produced reports on the in-service training of maths and science teachers in the operation of the national curriculum and on attainment targets and study programmes in maths and science .
6 They also remarked with astonishment a sort of combat between God and her without being able to determine whether God was more occupied in seeking in the secrets of his wisdom the means of exercising her by suffering than she was disposed to suffer for his love ; for she showed an incredible avidity for crosses and an invincible patience over her trials and over every affliction which Almighty God sent to exercise her love and fidelity .
7 As an avid collector of folk tales , Robert Burns knew the story of King Coilus and the legend of Old King Cole , as is shown by the opening lines of his poem The Twa Dogs : —
8 The Royal Air Force wants up to 2000 rounds of whichever type the ministry selects .
9 After the terrible night when Lok and Fa have dared to cross to the island in an attempt to rescue the abducted children , Lok 's feelings are described : " there was stuffed inside the bones of his head the white flock of the autumn creepers , their seeds were in his nose , making him yawn and sneeze " ( p. 134 ) .
10 Manuscripts of his treatise The Ladder of Perfection were passed from monastery to monastery and were soon found as far afield as southern France .
11 Louis XIV had seen in the last days of his reign the growing pointlessness of the traditional Franco-Austrian antagonism , but his efforts to achieve some agreement with the Habsburgs were not followed up by his successors .
12 Within a few weeks of his appointment the new Metropolitan was urging , in an interview with Romania Libera , that religion be taught in schools and announcing that a Synod-appointed commission would select the basic religious concepts to be taught in primary , junior and senior schools .
13 Anne Lister was for the last fourteen years of her life the owner and occupant of Shibden Hall in Halifax .
14 In the last twelve years of her reign the war cost £3 ½ m. , to which parliamentary grants , benevolences , and forced loans contributed about £1,800,000 .
15 For about the first 12 years of its existence the centre was carried on as an unincorporated organisation .
16 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
17 This effort , as far as the administrative machinery was concerned , was initiated by the French advisers who came to Spain in the early years of the century with the first Bourbon king , Philip V ; later it was encouraged by Choiseul , who saw in the effective mobilization of the resources of his ally the means to defeat England and lay the foundations of a Franco-Spanish world power .
18 The Home Secretary 's reference was made following complaints by the appellant of police malpractice , an investigation by the P.C.A. and the quashing of convictions in other cases involving one of the officers of whose conduct the appellant complained .
19 Any personal relationship is fostered by words , and through the pages of his Bible the Christian hears God speaking to him ; an experience , says the Psalmist , that is " sweeter than honey " .
20 The parish representatives will have the opportunity to discuss with the Agencies of their choice the forms of support which they need to have in their task of bringing alive the mission statement of each parish .
21 ‘ We are the accredited envoys of His Majesty the King of England , and of His Eminence , Cardinal Thomas Wolsey .
22 In those days , simply being British seems to have been a passport to the higher circles of whatever country the traveller set foot in .
23 Training will be carefully controlled and under the terms of their contract the company is still accountable to the Home Secretary .
24 Although by the terms of their appointment the Justices of the Forest were required to render an annual account at the Exchequer , they did not in fact do so .
25 In this baseline you have a measure of the PB in terms of what time the child actually goes to bed .
26 Showing members of his family the complexities of the main control room is who works in the Basket Handling Cave area .
27 Yet every time he gets up to make an impassioned speech about the important issues of our time the elitist establishment of the church rushes in to gag him .
28 Some may be surprised that Hooton writes so fluently on scally culture ; they should search out old issues of his fanzine The End .
29 Groups of GPs will negotiate and buy from the hospitals of their choice the ordinary range of services their patients need .
30 When Rodrigo saw the letters of his Lord the King , he greatly rejoiced in them , and said to the messengers that he would fulfil the King 's pleasure , and go incontinently to his command .
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