Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [pron] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Vaill sought to identify the characteristics of what he described as ‘ high-performing systems ’ in organizations , and ‘ human systems that perform at levels of excellence far beyond those of comparable systems ’ .
2 Davie Jess , a well known wag , entertained his mates with a flood of stories , many of which , as he said later , John Robertson , a man known to have a fine voice was asked to sing a song ; the only songs of which he knew the words were all hymns and soon rescuers gathered in the control room on the surface heard a strong , clear rendering of The Old Rugged Cross coming to them over the internal telephone system , with more than 100 trapped miners joining in the chorus .
3 They had copied out the names and addresses of everyone who wrote to them and enclosed the list with a message of thanks and good wishes , asking that it be sent on .
4 ‘ Including , please , names and addresses of anyone you spent time with , ’ he added pleasantly and saw her understand that he was serious and she had better get her act together .
5 Wilde , Shaw , Shakespeare , and Tree , the four authors of what he called his ‘ revelations ’ , were all to be subjects of his biographies .
6 Along with scores of authors of whom he had never heard he found forgotten friends : Hugh Walpole , John Galsworthy , and the redoubtable Mazo de la Roche , captivator of millions who would now be devotees of TV soap …
7 Others remembered setting Greek , Latin , other foreign languages and mathematics ( subjects of which they knew nothing , but which were a matter of professional pride ) .
8 Her slim , nude body , warm in the candlelight , warm by the fire , turning and turning , now this way , now that , against him … the curve of her back … the firmness of her hips … her soft breasts … the grace of her neck and the beauty of her , and of her face , and the dark , desperate eyes , begging now , and entranced — these were the images of her he had only half captured in his years of days away from this house .
9 Their true love affairs were with the camera and with those flickering images of themselves which turned on the rest of the public as well .
10 ‘ They should get credit for the informal aspects of what they did , and their staff work was superb ’ , says , a senior associate with the congressional Office of Technology Assessment .
11 But there is also a more general competition and conflict among nation states , some aspects of which I discussed in Chapter 5 , that has proved so far impossible to overcome , or even to moderate substantially .
12 The skin was one of the few aspects of himself he had passed on to Sylvia , his bonny young daughter .
13 Turning to the evidence , he stressed those aspects of it which told against Meehan and in favour of Waddell .
14 They did so and informed their clients of what they had discovered ; they then returned the papers .
15 For the first time Clare learnt what a passionate woman 's kisses were like , on the lips of one she loved with all her heart and soul , as Tess loved him .
16 This is one of those English expressions so weathered that their emotional batteries are irretrievably flat but , from the lips of someone who spoke English with the cool precision of a fluent foreigner , the phrase was terribly affecting .
17 And then those months of what he chose to call nervous fever …
18 Many forest landowners were in fact heavily amerced by Passelewe : in 1264 the Abbot of Bruern paid 500 marks for acquittance of all the trespasses of which he had been convicted at the Oxford Forest Eyre in 1245 .
19 She felt the presences of whatever she 'd seen , like a cold breath on her spine .
20 The newspaper Noticias-El Diario printed photocopies of what it claimed was a 1961 report by Paraguayan police agent Pedro Prokopchuk to Antonio Campos Alum , the chief of political police .
21 In his section of the AB , Hincmar attributed many crucial diplomatic and political activities to queens : since some were activities of which he approved , and only some queens were credited with such roles , it seems less likely that he obsessively exaggerated the nefarious influence of women ( though misogyny was in the air breathed by medieval churchmen ) than that he accurately portrayed a feature of Carolingian political life underrecorded by other contemporary writers .
22 In Indian famines of which he had long experience , only landless labourers and smaller cultivators — ‘ the submerged tenth ’ — needed relief .
23 Tony Page , Assistant Manager , Administration , Corporate Banking , Edinburgh devised a crossword , copies of which he sold to friends and colleagues for £1 each .
24 This charting of the circulating relations between aesthetic and other forms of production works best in those historical periods , such as the Renaissance , where there was no modern concept of Literature , thus allowing literary texts to be mapped against the political and other discourses of which they formed a part .
25 He recalls that US researchers came up with a list of programmes of which they approved , including The Waltons , and those of which they disapproved , including the old Batman series , with its camp humour and captions saying ‘ Pow ’ when he punched the baddie .
26 Naturally he was very happy when I was able to tell him that I recently came across a couple of cases of them we did n't know we had .
27 These next few pages are the reactions of one who went to the Centre , came away evangelical and kept saying to himself , ‘ All shipshape and Bristol fashion ’ , only to fall from the crest into the deepest trough , but thankfully to climb up again to a sensible plateau and finally discover that he had been fortified in more ways than he had expected .
28 ‘ The Regional and District Health Authority has shown contempt for the views of anyone who did not approve of your agenda for the health service on Merseyside .
29 I had slides of the tumour , cross scans of what it looked like and where it was .
30 They played chess and bezique and silly paper games , Alexandra attempted sketches of him which convulsed him with laughter and read comic poems to him .
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