Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [art] world [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It will bring the eyes of the world on to Manchester .
2 As the influence of other agencies of socialization and knowledge transmission such as the Church , schools , and political parties declines , the mass media become even more central in the creation of the ‘ images in our heads of the world outside ’ .
3 Whether in Kipling or Chapman or other authors , Eliot was attracted to glimpses of a world beyond .
4 He felt the sufferings of the world most keenly when he was confronted with those who were weakest , most vulnerable , least able to defend themselves — refugees : men and women with no home to go to , and , most bereft of all refugees , children .
5 That is harder for an American president to do than most who suggest it realise ; whether they start in Waco or in Warsaw , the crises of the world sooner or later force their way onto the president 's desk .
6 There is no end to this process ; no ultimate truth or understanding of either education or of the scientific aspects of the world around .
7 There is no end to this process ; no ultimate truth or understanding of either education or of the scientific aspects of the world around .
8 Cave formations are one of the most fascinating and beautiful aspects of the world underground , and like the caves themselves , they 're caused by water eroding rock .
9 The Weltklasse Meeting , established in 1962 , in Zurich 's Leitzegrund Stadium is one of the truly great meetings of the world where the track and field stars always play to a large and enthusiastic audience of about 25,000 people .
10 It is argued in this book that in many areas of the world where environmental fragility is an outstanding characteristic , there is a failure to adapt to a variety of new and related pressures , particularly population pressure and increased state intervention which is often extractive in nature , and also that such technically state-sponsored innovations that there are , tend to be inappropriate or inaccessible .
11 There are obviously certain groups of people from whom there is a greater risk of catching a disease just as there are certain areas of the world where the prevalence of diseases is higher than others , but , wherever you are , it is the change of sexual partner that is the crucial risk-producing move .
12 The USA , which well within the memory of the majority of its inhabitants , was the world 's leading oil supplier , does not like being dependent on imported oil , particularly oil imported from areas of the world where political unrest means that a loss of supply — for instance through a closure of the Strait of Hormuz — is always a possibility .
13 But the institute 's researchers think that the results of their work could hold equally in other areas of the world where fewer obstacles are in the way of mining companies .
14 The title Grammar Dictation describes a language teaching procedure known in those areas of the world where it is already extensively used , as ‘ dictogloss ’ or ‘ the dictogloss procedure ’ .
15 Presumably such breeds could be of value in developing areas of the world where veterinary surveillance is poor .
16 Even ‘ age ’ can cause problems in areas of the world where birthdays are not celebrated and , indeed , there is often a vague response to any question involving the passage of time .
17 ICI 's ability to license its technology means that its catalysts have been used in more than 60 countries , many making a vital contribution to food production in areas of the world where need is greatest .
18 erm So I would say there are critical areas of the world where erm the destruction of forest is becoming particularly serious , and that 's one of the areas I would particularly want to concentrate on , and possibly parts of Central America .
19 Yes , I 've always , I 've always understood , understood more recently the reason why that there would always seemed to be enough prisoners , when we know there really must be enough prisoners throughout the world is that the betting procedure and they 're making quite sure they 're the right people takes time and money and effort , erm , that 's part and also there are some areas of the world now , where , where there are n't as many prisoners as there were , there are very few , there are very few prisoners of conscience in Latin America because they do n't put them in prison they just get rid of them , they just disappear and there are practically , practically none from Latin America countries , cos of these , these disappearances rather than being put in prison , erm , but it 's a sort of combination of reasons I think but er quite a long time now , ten , fifteen years I think groups have only had one prisoner , whereas when I first joined and Ann 's there , we had three did n't we at one time ?
20 In fact , there are few corners of the world where Madeirans are not to be found : from Alaska to Australia , from California to Macau .
21 What keeps the propliners of the world still going as viable business propositions is an item known as the bottom line .
22 Sadly , one thing has not changed in 30 years : certain governments of the world still falsely imprison , torture and execute their citizens , regardless of internationally agreed standards that expressly forbid such abuses .
23 Incidentally it is just at this point that I find many theologians who enter this field particularly weak ; mainly because what they deduce from a Biblical view is so general ( and sometimes even vague ) that it is of little practical help in choosing between the main alternatives of the world today .
24 Much of the activity ( and one says this with both elation and exasperation ) is the kind which good teacher-librarians , not tied to purely literary objectives , have long advocated , but extended to include not only the " newer " media but also the resources of the world outside .
25 ’ And as he and Kraal continued to talk old Minch quietly dropped down to her shelter and took up the food there , listening to their few memories of the world outside .
26 Soon the curtains were drawn by four o'clock and there were days when the mist and rain so muffled the sounds of the world outside that there was almost complete silence .
27 I had stumbled into the fringes of a world where cynical and ruthless manipulation of other people was the norm , and where even violence and perhaps murder was used to achieve one 's ends .
28 No proof of this is needed beyond the tragic conditions of the world today .
29 Main regions of the world where dolphins are still being deliberately killed
30 A person , or their partner , is at increased risk if they have had high risk sex in regions of the world where the prevalence of HIV infection is greater than that in the UK .
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