Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [adj] [n mass] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well er all sorts of funny people like have them like erm Iris has , has them .
2 All across Europe various events , exhibitions , meetings and discussions are being held which highlight the varying lifestyles of older people today .
3 Closer contacts between education and places of work through Work Experience , visits to schools , etc. , are the best way of ensuring that employers value the skills and aptitudes of young people regardless of gender , race or disability .
4 He could paint pictures of famous people there , I thought .
5 These approaches have a preoccupation with the activities of ordinary people rather than with important figures and are concerned with providing an alternative perspective on our past .
6 The attitudes of Job 's comforters are unsurprisingly the attitudes of many people today when faced with mental illness , just as Job 's symptoms are recognisable as those of a severe reactive depression .
7 This is mirrored in a survey by Bunting ( 1981 ) in the UK , where it appears that the general public hold some realistic and generally favourable views of deaf people even though there is no understanding of the language needs of pre-lingually deaf people .
8 I have certainly been party to one or two discussions amongst friends , and as part of my work I take groups of young people away on climbing trips , most to very white-dominated areas where the mere appearance of a black face in a pub or at a crag is enough to cause stares and whispers .
9 Butler ( 1974 ) used groups of older people specifically for developing individual life histories , and using the sharing of these in a therapeutic group setting .
10 Aye , we could have loads of young people together , and you could get loads of old people together er ,
11 Aye , we could have loads of young people together , and you could get loads of old people together er ,
12 This tragic incident only underlines the dangers of young people illegally driving motor vehicles . ’
13 The first is to provide simple descriptions of complex data so that we can understand what is going on in our experiments .
14 Criticism of others : Understandable bitterness and envy of the apparently normal lives of other people frequently result in generalised criticism in all directions .
15 But in the lives of many people today love and marriage , though ideals , swiftly give way to conflict , strain , unhappiness and divorce .
16 The mobility needs of older people therefore should be taken fully into account in transport and land-use planning .
17 The latest unit to go in IBM Corp 's cutting loose of its surplus manufacturing plants , which started with four factories in Europe last week , is IBM Canada Ltd 's Toronto manufacturing division , which is to become a separate , wholly owned subsidiary with a different , but as yet undetermined , name and logo : the Toronto division employs about 900 and has export revenues of some $800m annually ; all employees will be offered positions with the new company , which will continue to manufacture products for IBM — for the time being at least , and will also seek work outside the company .
18 A month later , just before he was about to set off on his journey ‘ into the interior by way of Namoi , Gould wrote to Sir John Franklin in Hobart of his progress so far : ‘ After spending a fortnight in the lowland brushes I proceeded to the upper districts and the Liverpool ranges whence I have just returned having made several discoveries of new species both of Birds and Quadrupeds , of the latter I believe I have two new kinds of Kangaroo . ’
19 The main objective of the resource is to respond to the urgent need for a clear , values-based approach to the problems and possibilities of mass media today .
20 Do hearing people control the fortunes of deaf people politically and economically ?
21 The recruits recruit others , colonies sometimes fighting over a resource , though individuals of this species usually give in to those of other more aggressive Trigona species .
22 Oxford researchers have found that males of this species frequently suck such objects , sometimes even wetting a dry brick with excretions and then sucking them with their proboscises .
23 Potential and confirmed breeders of tropical fish really should see this one if only for the many tips they 'll acquire .
24 I believe that a good deal more attention might be paid to the sexual and quasi-sexual problems of younger people particularly , perhaps , those of earlier puberty .
25 Today I have had a reply to a parliamentary question to the Minister , which tells me the latest figures of young people currently in young offender institutions .
26 The living conditions of working-class people also had a profound effect on sexual habits .
27 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
28 The researchers concluded that such an approach might be extended to develop ways of rewarding people fairly for the educational tasks they undertake .
29 Ornithologically nothing has been gained from these changes in habitat on which the Sussex populations of some species largely depend .
30 But besides ‘ natures ’ , ‘ essences ’ , or ‘ substantial forms ’ of the various genera and species , there are properties which members of that species universally and permanently have , and it is the aim of ‘ science ’ to tell us why they have them .
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