Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] but they " in BNC.

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1 But we do n't get that now , they get South African 's now do n't they and they get Italians and French and there 's all sorts of things but they 're not as nice as the Californian fruit .
2 Children in the United Kingdom face different sorts of problems but they too are under threat .
3 Ratings of radio news were less predictable than ratings of television but they too were influenced by recent political interest , motivations for following the campaign , and degree of party preference .
4 Such units are sentence-like in that they are syntactically combined sequences of words but they seem to be stored in the mind ready for use as preformed unitary items , like words , already assembled for immediate access .
5 I ran away loads of times but they kept taking us back .
6 Not only were dancing masters expected to follow their own rules of dance but they also had to conform to the rules of the Académie Royale de Musique .
7 These qualities have always been present in the metaphors and similes of poetry but they have been less frequent in painting , which in the past was largely concerned with reproducing external reality , with decoration , or , as in the more advanced movements of recent years , with the composition of color and line into formal design .
8 The supreme Tour de France riders will have bad days in their three weeks of competition but they will also become more powerful .
9 Er with reference to the great pestilence er makes me think of the original great pestilence , the Black Death and of course er contaminated individuals be put in a pest house far away from places of habitation but they can contaminate others which one ca n't help thinking that it would be quite a good policy has commissioned .
10 It is fair to say that cells in this area are encoding the properties of faces but they can not be encoding their identities .
11 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
12 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
13 ‘ They had their own little bits of garden but they were never made to help when they were young , which is probably why they liked it all the more . ’
14 Introverts are more the other way round whereas they 've got narrow interests , narrow fields of interest but they look at them in depth .
15 They had their moments of flair but they wasted good midfield work with speculative shots into the stand .
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