Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't want to run the risk of someone like that getting at you , so steer right away from any of the sorts of activities listed above .
2 All sorts of bits left over from Ladymont days .
3 It 's a fascinating project , because you 've also got all sorts of memorabilia lined up in the library .
4 The four different methods of promotion mentioned above are applied , where appropriate , to each of the stages of customer behaviour .
5 Apply neat pva , then anchor the bead with blobs of plaster applied about every 250mm
6 Only around Bucharest itself , where veteran drivers of bulldozers operated occasionally under the eye of the Conducator himself , was much done .
7 Lorryloads of blooms rolled up to the Bel Air mansion where Liz , 60 , lay in bed , surrounded by her doctors .
8 The attractions of smoking mentioned above will not go away .
9 Environmental and development pressures were the major subjects of evidence taken on 4 March ( 81–iii ) ;
10 Images of women thrown down , kicked and beaten , men held and knocked senseless by Blackshirt stewards , filled the press in the days and weeks that followed .
11 Images of animals huddled together for warmth , safety and companionship floated into my mind as I stood at the side of this man , watching him examine firearms .
12 The Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park , consisting of 1000 acres of land given over to ( amongst other things ) a working dairy farm , wildlife , a pets ' corner and an aviary for tropical birds , is only ten minutes ' drive away .
13 In my own study of sexual aspects of disability carried out on behalf of the Committee on Sexual Problems of the Disabled ( SPOD ) and the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs , close attention was paid to the sexual experience of the survey population before and after the onset of handicap .
14 The aspects of accounting introduced here are discussed briefly so that the reader will gain an elementary understanding of them .
15 Giles wanted to see the judicial and revenue branches of government drawn more closely together on the Indian model .
16 Pictures of cats made out of synthetic material and stuck on to plastic plates are available in virtually every store .
17 His room 's a dustbin with lists of objects pinned all over the walls — no , I do n't know what it means .
18 Once you have all your lists of goals written somewhere at the front of your diary , you are ready to start .
19 It is hoped that sections 10-2-10-4 have provided sufficient analytical tools to be able to appreciate the differences in perspectives contained in the major schools of thought discussed below .
20 Fighting continued during November between Georgian National Guard troops and separatists in Abkhazia , where the death toll in three months of fighting reached over 400 .
21 There were also reports throughout 1990 detailing acts of violence carried out against Bhutanese citizens by ethnic Nepalese and various other dissident elements .
22 It is an expensive issue , though , 82 minutes of music spread over two full-price CDs .
23 The outer door to the estate office slammed and the inner one opened with its uneasy stick and snuffle past the strips of draught-excluders worn down and added to over the years .
24 The belt was ( had been ) three inches wide and made of two strips of cowhide sewn together along their edges .
25 The partial remedy , for no one could think of exhaustive response , was to clear London and other big cities of children aged under fifteen , the sick and the handicapped : all those who were of more hindrance than help to the defence effort .
26 The so-called investigations of laboratories carried out by BUAV always make exaggerated claims .
27 There seemed to be crowds of people lined up on each side of the door and lots were already seated inside the church waiting for the coffin to enter .
28 This corresponds to the second and third of the definitions of eurocurrency given earlier in the chapter :
29 The edge of the crater was marked with huge splinters of stone torn up from the bedrock under the sands ; they stood like broken teeth around the scene , pointing at the sky or fallen slanted over .
30 Phonic refers to 'sounding out' : the relationship between letters or groups of letters written down , and how one says them when reading aloud .
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