Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [conj] he " in BNC.

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1 In 1884 , when he finished the first version of his set ( he revised it to form part of his Klavierübung in 1922 ) , Busoni was only eighteen , but he was always a practised composer , with an enormous quantity of piano music to his credit — indeed , he had composed five Sonatas and a host of other pieces for all sorts of forces before he was fifteen .
2 Porter seems to agree with this view , but says that the extra value obtained from putting the results of the sorts of analyses that he recommends into the matrix form is marginal compared to the value derived from the underlying analysis itself .
3 The guiding light in Lewis 's life then went with her son to speak to the pupils of Bellahouston Academy and visit a retail development on the outskirts of Glasgow before he rounded off his day in the male only setting of the St Andrew 's Sporting club by watching Scotland 's Kris McAdam fight .
4 He had his legs crossed , and he was smoking an old pipe , from which came a vile smell and great plumes of smoke as he puffed at it .
5 This was the Finaghy lads first fight at home in six years and you could almost feel seismic waves of anticipation as he came to the ringside .
6 And if he had meted out to Elise the same unpredictable treatment , the same highs and lows , then it was n't beyond the bounds of possibility that he was the kind of man who made a girl , driven beyond all logic , all reason , decide that life without him was no longer worth living .
7 In the summer of 1967 , Richard Nixon was received with the honours usually reserved for heads of state when he arrived in Bucharest .
8 Professor Lear believes that individuation and autonomy are the highest goals of Man and he also believes , along with Socrates , that the unexamined life is not worth living .
9 A few moments later when she opened her eyes she was startled to find her vision filled by the tanned shoulders of Ross as he leaned over her prone body .
10 Prompt service on him of a Specification requiring production of wages information held by him , or books of account if he is a sole trader or in partnership , may be the basis of a rude awakening .
11 In fact Sir Christopher only used the plan for guidance and much of the one thousand acres of trees that he planted was the result of his own great vision .
12 Surely there was an austere pride in the words of Thoreau when he wrote that he was regarded as the least important man in his village , and there is no doubt in my mind that he must have savoured the aroma of that rare emotion .
13 In addressing them he utters no words of condemnation as he does in the case of the scribes and Pharisees , yet he nevertheless looks for an unconditional and wholehearted response from them .
14 When he spoke , his matter-of-fact tone did more to reassure everyone than the actual words of hope that he spoke .
15 A tram driver hid him under a seat in return for two packets of cigarettes and he escaped from the Austrian Soviet zone .
16 In his mind he had obviously got fragments of things that he 'd heard and seen that day , there was an expression that was being called out , To arm citizens , because war had been declared .
17 No , probably , six months of idleness and he 'd have had it .
18 Sarah and Terry had no alternative but she and John could have had months of courtship before he went away if it had not been for his stubbornness .
19 Disgraced he may be , yet is not dethroned , And keeps the rags of Lordship once he owned .
20 As a man whose sensibilities would be troubled by these liaisons with ‘ beastliness ’ , a basically tender-hearted man , it was perhaps in compensation for his acts of relief that he tried to befriend and help women in trouble , as we shall see .
21 There were lots of little gems of advice that he wanted to offer his daughter , but Ian could only look blankly at her as he steeled himself to give her away .
22 There are n states of nature and he receives a return of if he takes action i and the state is j .
23 He used to make the bullets too , little strips of iron that he heated , twisted , battered into shape .
24 It was at Brives-la-Gaillarde that he was elevated to the kingship , and it was from the cities of Aquitaine that he received the oaths of loyalty , which most kings must have taken by proxy .
25 Not only does he handle the commercial activities of Kew but he is also responsible for its little-publicised conservation work .
26 ‘ So rigorous is he ( i.e. McGavran ) in dispelling romantic notions and false theological rationalisations of non-growth that he may be said to have de-mythologised this subject .
27 There is a point in moving him to London because that is near the Houses of Parliament where he has weight .
28 I suppose it is not beyond the realms of possibility that he was passively involved in the supposed robbery — an accomplice who was merely required to ignore it . ’
29 He claimed the housing market was showing signs of revival but he gave it a prod anyway by raising the threshold on stamp duty from £30,000 to £60,000 , move that will help mainly first-time buyers .
30 He watched as Anne stood outside the house , telling Chrissie of what had happened , and he did n't like the clear signs of distress that he could see on Chrissie Stone 's pale features .
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