Example sentences of "[noun pl] ' [noun sg] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The guards ' toilet was halfway up the stairs to their room .
2 Manufacturers ' sizing is variable .
3 This is particularly useful when manufacturers ' software is available ( as for example SEARCH ON KEY for IBM computers ) to carry out the search automatically .
4 The staff who carry out internal verification must ensure that for each award good assessment instruments are available , that the assessors ' judgments on candidates ' work are objective , consistent and in line with the standards for the award , and that the appropriate procedures have been followed .
5 In that situation , a lack of trust in the tutors ' role was inevitable .
6 Unfortunately Gameson 's remark about listeners ' confusion is true .
7 The Portadown Local Preachers ' Meeting is older than the Circuit , having been formed in 1835 .
8 Remarkably , their table I shows that the median symptom scores for episodes of hypoglycaemia during the two months ' treatment are higher with porcine than human insulin for seven of the nine items and identical only for the remaining two ; the scores at the onset of attacks show the greatest difference .
9 In none of the 10 patients who completed the six months ' trial and none of the five patients who completed 12 months ' treatment was endoscopic improvement of the lesions seen .
10 ( 5 ) Directors ' service agreements of more than 12 months ' duration are open for inspection by any shareholder under CA 1985 , s318 .
11 However Shakespeare employs several devices to ensure that the audience realises that the adulterers ' behaviour is wrong .
12 The drivers ' uncertainty was due in part to the vagaries of the train from Khartoum , on which half the town seemed to be waiting .
13 The brothers ' room was dim and shadowed ; she made out their two shapes with difficulty .
14 The conclusion that women participate unequally in their husbands ' status is congruent with empirical data on the social , economic and legal treatment of married women .
15 But if Football Monthly 's readers ' poll is correct , he wo n't be there to enjoy it !
16 The authors ' feminism is unaggressive , but it 's there , in deft quotations from her Journal , where the sublime landscapes and satiric humour reflect an essential Regency dichotomy , and in the record of her independence and generosity .
17 The Childminders ' Association is all in favour of ‘ hugs and cuddles ’ even when a youngster is behaving badly .
18 In 1987 for example , the value of Victor Products ' ( an engineering group ) pension portfolio was reduced by £400 000 due to poor results of the company , and the fact that a quarter of the funds ' portfolio were self-invested in Victor Products .
19 The Home Office does n't comment on individual cases , but it 's thought Whitehall was concerned that the Capons ' marriage was one of convenience , which would break up , allowing Mae to stay here .
20 Nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the following statements made in the directors ' report are unreasonable in all the circumstances :
21 Given that Callinicos ' book is difficult , and given the probability that despite the seriousness of its argument it is unlikely to be widely debated , I will firstly offer an interpretation of what I think its main themes are , and what they are not .
22 The House of Lords held that in the present case the defendants ' disclaimer was sufficient to exclude the assumption by the defendants of a duty of care towards the plaintiff .
23 However , in Finkelhor 's review , several factors emerged as being consistently associated with higher risk of sexual abuse : when a child lives without one of the biological parents ; when the mother is unavailable to the child either as a result of employment outside the home or disability and illness ; when a child reports that the parents ' marriage is unhappy or conflictual ; when the child reports having a poor relationship with the parents or being subject to extremely punitive discipline or child abuse ; when the child reports having a step-father .
24 Normally at least one parent remained in the home , or if not , close by ; and in many cases aunts of the parents ' generation were involved in caring .
25 The parents ' enthusiasm is critical for this work .
26 Certainly the parents ' ordeal was such that they were under sedation over the incident .
27 ‘ Not divorced , ’ James went on , as if the precise terms of his parents ' separation were important .
28 The parents ' aim is straightforward : to get the child to desist from potentially dangerous behaviour , not to teach alternatives .
29 Profits made by a parents ' association are liable to taxation , registration with the Charity Commissioners enables the association to escape tax liability .
30 Inevitably , however , the Electrical Contractors ' Association were annoyed if their members were undercut by nationalised Boards .
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