Example sentences of "[noun pl] begin [to-vb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The poised self-control seemed to disintegrate , and the green eyes began to glint a little wildly .
2 At the same time , however , in response to the growing political power of labour , governments began to pursue a more conciliatory approach towards the labour movement .
3 However , many of the new stations began to feature a strongly marked nationalism as the assertive spirits of rival nations jostled with each other and advanced their claims for continental dominance with increasing stridency .
4 The Hammers began to lose a little of their early composure as the half-time interval approached , but both defences regained a firm grip on proceedings after the break .
5 OD1 has less distortion to it than OD2 but even for that channel the gain preset of 4 is well down , so I kick it right up to 20 ( the upper limit of both gain and volume ) and things begin to sound a little more like it .
6 Now things begin to make a little more sense .
7 Now things begin to make a little more sense .
8 But the day after that things began to get a little clearer .
9 Sadly , a gradual decline towards terminal respectability began in early adulthood , when the self-indulgent habit of literary lunches began to undermine an otherwise sound constitution .
10 In the late 1960s theorists began to acquire a more precise concept of the role of the W particle in weak interactions , and could make more precise predictions about its mass .
11 Fashion garments may and do cost a great deal , but break down the component parts of that price and the sum paid for the natural fibre fabrics begins to look a little odd .
12 But the position began to alter after the General Strike , when the trade unions began to take a more dominant role in Labour politics .
13 Interviews began to take a more lively , if still far from inquisitorial slant .
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