Example sentences of "[noun pl] must [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Surely the detailed issue coverage in the Guardian and The Times must be superior to the necessarily brief and superficial coverage of issues on television ? perhaps that is so ; but Very few British newspaper readers read papers like the Guardian and The Times ; most read tabloids such as the Sun , the Star , the Mirror , the Express , or the Mail .
2 The coaches must be prepared to ‘ live-in ’ and will be responsible for the group for the duration of the School .
3 If industry wants to retain its increasingly-important female workforce , employers must be sympathetic to the needs of women to balance work and family life ’ .
4 All such plans must be subject to an environmental appraisal and show how local resources will be conserved and sustainably used .
5 The proposals must be acceptable to the people and parliament of the United Kingdom as a whole and because of the land frontier with the Republic of Ireland any political arrangement must recognise and provide for the special relationship between both parts of the island .
6 To be really effective , lecturers and tutors must be sensitive to the contexts in which their institutions function and work closely with other training partners towards common ends .
7 Courts and judges must be alert to the problems which may arise in connection with wasted costs hearings and orders .
8 Some of the gaps must be due to chance , but there is no mistaking the insularity of interest which these volumes display .
9 The empiricism here is not so tight that all theoretical terms and assumptions must refer directly to observables , but all substantive hypotheses must be able to be confirmed or falsified .
10 Each element or group of elements has its own particular trademark , which can not be copied , so that these two yellow lines must be due to sodium and nothing else .
11 Mark the width of the blind 1.2cm ( ⅜in ) less than the cut roller length with two parallel chalk lines , remembering that these lines must be square to the top and bottom marked edges .
12 Some portion of these costs must be due to the particular sort of culture — surprisingly uniform , across these very different companies — that our sample firms sought to induce : a high participative one .
13 However , the proportion of RS — individuals among left handers must be proportional to the left handers in the total population .
14 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
15 Attention has already been drawn to one of the objectives in establishing the Scottish Journal of Geology in 1965 , which was the rapid publication of results of research in Scottish geology carried out in universities , so that this may account in part for the halving of the average delay period after 1965 , but subsequent reductions must be due to other factors .
16 To juxtapose such sequences in natural conversational contexts , participants must be sensitive to what to the outsider may appear as quite subtle perceptual cues ( Gumperz ( 1982 : 85 ) .
17 To juxtapose such sequences in natural conversational contexts , participants must be sensitive to what to the outsider may appear as quite subtle perceptual cues . "
18 In an increasingly internationalised economy particularly , governments must be sensitive to how their policies will be perceived by business interests , since an adverse reaction can lead to rapid and massive capital outflows and consequent economic destabilisation , or the relocation of productive capacity to more hospitable environments with an equally obvious effect on jobs and growth .
19 The other three high-frequency bands must be due to CO stretches .
20 In addition , the differences we see between the rhythm measured normally and under constant routine conditions must be due to external causes ( rhythms in our life-style and environment ) .
21 It is well established that any Palestinian delegates must be acceptable to all parties : if this were not already the case , the Palestinian delegation would be made up of PLO members .
22 Awnings must be able to be easily customised with logos and graphics ; all the better , if the canopy material is transulucent to allow back lighting to illuminate the restaurant 's name at night .
23 Equally , corporate managers must be sensitive to the powerful inertial forces inherent in organizational cultures and ascribe as much importance to indicating a culture of change throughout the organization as to their marketing or investment strategies .
24 While dairy farmers had little to fear from the current round of GATT trade proposals now nearing formal agreement , he insisted that UK milk producers must be alive to threat that the inevitable ‘ son of GATT ’ could mean quota cutbacks of 20 to 25pc by the year 2000 or 2005 .
25 The associated dipole changes must be perpendicular to the M-P bonds , but the dipole arrows may lie either in the PMP plane or perpendicular to it ( see Fig. 5.39 ) , and the two sets are not equivalent .
26 Clearly , to be useful , these features must be common to all languages , since children seem to be able to learn any language with equal facility .
27 Macroeconomic objectives must be sensitive to changes in target variables .
28 Third , although Alan Ladd , the highly respected chief executive of MGM-Pathe , thinks he can release 13 films this year , costing an average of $8m-10m each , their prospects must be open to question .
29 Parents , and GPs must be alert to the symptoms .
30 The characters must be legal to VMS file names .
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