Example sentences of "[noun pl] need [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who is charged with running classes , sections of schools or whole schools needs to be aware of what those assumptions are and of their effects .
2 Each geographical area served by different teams of people from different organizations needs to be small enough for all the individuals to get to know each other , so that good personal working relationships are fostered and liaison between services is optimized .
3 Key farm workers such as foremen and stockmen need to be close at hand to the farm and in these locations there are often very few other dwellings available .
4 The kids need to be able to learn how to say no .
5 Units need to be able to offer the highest standards of hygiene while maintaining a homely atmosphere .
6 Before the selection process begins , candidates need to be clear about what the job abroad entails .
7 There is an ever-growing amount of musical material in this genre and musicians and clergy need to be wise and selective in their choice of it .
8 Within their own scale of operations all animals need to be able to impose an appearance of order upon their environment ; they need to be able to discriminate favourable ( normal ) from unfavourable ( abnormal ) situations .
9 The first suggestion implies that context pre-exposure should make subsequently acquired latent inhibition less likely to be context-specific — subjects need to be prepared to learn about the context if context-specificity is to occur .
10 The Forces were potentially a very profitable area , he added , but relationships need to be long-term .
11 Third parties need to be alert to the possibility of change and to the actual practices of the body .
12 Nonetheless , third parties need to be alert to the dynamism of an organisation and realise it might have generated its own practices and activities , which need not necessarily be encompassed by the constitutive treaty .
13 Focusing on such issues also served to provide yet more material for those who argued that schools need to be subject to much stricter government control .
14 Teachers in ordinary schools need to be aware that some visually handicapped pupils may have these social needs while at the same time encouraging positive and enjoyable social interaction between pupils within the full range of vision .
15 With this in mind , those concerned with information management in schools need to be aware of any new technologies which can assist in the development of learning skills which are relevant across and beyond the curriculum .
16 Not all of these characteristics need to be present for a successful implementation of DIP , but , if they are , it is almost certain that DIP would provide benefits .
17 Goals need to be realistic , flexible and worked out , and should include both short- and long-term plans .
18 Organizations need to be able to attribute credit and responsibility just as historians do .
19 She said she thought the parents needed to be clear about what limits they felt they had to place on Pamela 's behaviour .
20 The basic cakes need to be moist , tasty and firm , not only for eating but for cutting and shaping .
21 He believes size is everything in the computer industry because companies need to be big enough to fund development .
22 Data archives need to be proactive in encouraging the data to be used as well as providing a flexible and supportive service to potential users .
23 Arabs need to be fast and alert to survive in exposed desert lands , while Highlands have to be sensible and phlegmatic to cope with mountainous terrain .
24 More equal blame is necessary and the parents need to be wary of automatically labelling the instigator .
25 Under these circumstances the parents need to be able to take over from each other so that it is the child who tires and not the parents .
26 Children go through various stages of obedience and disobedience as they develop and parents need to be aware that direct confrontation may not be the best method of handling the situation .
27 More than specific child management skills , parents need to be aware of the level of understanding of their child , his anxieties , frustrations and emotional needs .
28 The approach to understanding organisations that concentrates its focus on people within organisations needs to be aware of what it is that motivates people within those organisations .
29 Control throws need to be sufficient to perform the manoeuvres required — which , with some models , means as much as possible .
30 With this kind of warfare going on between nests , the ants need to be able to distinguish their own nestmates from members of other nests .
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