Example sentences of "[noun pl] such [prep] those [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Such a strategy would , as in the case of the Baptist Union , include church planting , it would include training leaders for the task , and it would include setting some immediate goals such as those above .
2 However , this approach is particularly suited to standard forms such as those commonly used for bills of lading , commodity dealings and construction and engineering contracts .
3 The answer is that we can , without using intuition , speculation or hearsay concerning Z , prove that Z , C and M are logical consequences of the axioms A1 through to I. Now whilst algebraists do not regard it as their prime duty to reduce all such sets of axioms to a minimum size , it is part of an algebraist 's function to investigate consequences of axioms such as those just referred to .
4 Swan compiled a series of almanacs published in Cambridge from 1657 , and may have been responsible too for other titles such as those ostensibly by ‘ Swallow ’ and ‘ Dove ’ .
5 Of equal importance ( not least for the benefit of future researchers ) is the recording of the existence and activities of present-day organisations such as those already listed .
6 The essence of LS-PCR is that amplification is performed using specific primers but under low stringency conditions such as those routinely utilized when undertaking RAPD ( Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA , 3 ) .
7 ‘ Labelling theory ’ claims ( and is supported by research studies such as those just mentioned ) that catching and punishing offenders ‘ labels ’ and stigmatizes them as criminals , and that this process can in various ways make it more difficult for them to conform to a law-abiding life in future .
8 Some terraces such as those recently demolished at Monarch Hill were constructed of chalk blocks rendered with cement externally .
9 Locality studies can not , therefore , afford to insist on simplifying and monocausal assumptions such as those often made by Marxist analysis .
10 Our knowledge of approaches to INSET offered by a variety of providing bodies other LEAs , higher education institutions and so on — shows that the style and quality of INSET have less to do with where they take place than with how those involved stand in relation to questions such as those above , not to mention fundamental prerequisites like their professional knowledge and skill .
11 That is , phenomenological distinctions such as those just listed can be intelligibly related to hypothetical underlying computations ( whether Ullman 's hypotheses are correct is not of central interest here ) .
12 However , such an interpretation would emasculate the section : for instance , it seems clear that the section was intended to apply to terms such as those commonly found in holiday contracts allowing a tour operator unilaterally to change accommodation and so on .
13 More specifically , in sentences such as those above , in which an event mentioned in the first clause is explained by a reason or cause stated in a following because clause , that world knowledge includes information about what Garvey & Caramazza ( 1974 ) call the implicit causality of the verb in the first clause .
14 Eating refined carbohydrates such as those above can raise the blood cholesterol level , and is a possible cause of heart disease .
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