Example sentences of "[noun pl] look [prep] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Not many yards away , dunes and hillocks looked as if they had been dumped at random , each one rising about sixty feet above the plain .
2 Weasel Eyes looked as if he had n't moved but the other two hypocrites must have dined well for they were slouched , half-asleep , in their high-backed chairs .
3 As so often , it is the monstrous ones that stick in the mind : two gross , splayed pairs of legs about to join the rest of the body they belong to in the maw of two amiable-looking man-eaters ( reminiscent of Oloron ) ; two horribly bent captives , their feet tied by a cord and their heads looking as if they are propped upright on sticks — strange motifs , yet motifs all the same , because they are not unique to Lescar .
4 I want animals to look at because I like animals .
5 Yet the kind of premises favoured by small-time craftsmen look as if they were not so suitable for a spot of Miscellaneous Repos ; by the October of 1856 the Titfords were on the move yet again , this time to 15 Penton Street , Clerkenwell .
6 Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from the hand basin in her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning .
7 Page description languages like PostScript , Interpress or DDL are key elements to look for when it is important to transfer between various output devices .
8 The folds look as if they are pushing Helmsdale right into the sea ; as though the river in spate had collected all the houses it could uproot inland and deposited them at the river mouth with just enough of a toehold to keep them there .
9 The expressions on the faces of the displayed bodies suddenly change ; their faces contort and their limbs look as if their muscles are writhing below the surface of the skin .
10 ‘ It 's not very clever , because it makes the parents look as if they 're idiots when they 're not — it says more about him than the people he 's speaking about . ’
11 I mean the police riders look as if they 're enjoying it .
12 Your fingers look as if they 're made of jelly .
13 ‘ In the end I held them against my side under my arm with the suspenders dangling down and some woman said , ‘ Eh , girl them suspenders look as if you should be milking them . ’
14 These small rows of houses look as if they had been dumped down like baggage on a railway platform while the owner goes for a sandwich .
15 With the wisdom of hindsight it 's obvious that Mark Ring , who in his Pontypool days looked as if he might be the answer to all our no.10 prayers , was unfit and a liability in the match against Australia .
16 His dogs looked as if they might be dangerous and so Coetzee reached for a tried and tested method for solving the problem — strychnine .
17 The early fusion experiments looked as if they were making great strides toward the desired goal .
18 But as one commentator has remarked , ‘ the trouble is some of these directives look as if they may take until the 21st century to be adopted let alone implemented ’ .
19 As my father would try in vain to overtake ‘ a bloody idiot ’ on the A82 between Tyndrum and Bridge of Orchy , there were two spectacular things to look at before we were wiped out as a family .
20 Favourites look as if they will have a good run at Catterick with Royal Greek , Black Spur , James Joy and Pyjamas in particular .
21 What features in the rocks do geologists look for when they hope to find natural gas deposits ?
22 The leeches look as if they have the faces of the bodies they have burst from , and they are capable of rearing up and attacking with a cluster of teeth around a central sucker .
23 The prehistoric trees looked as if they had been felled the day before , but they were as sterile as hot bricks from a kiln and probably one hundred and thirty million years old .
24 Anthony 's hard features looked as if they had been carved from stone .
25 Though his features looked as if they 'd been carved from stone , in the depths of his gaze something stirred .
26 The Blues looked as if they might struggle to punch a hole in a paper bag , let alone score .
27 Those stacks looked as if they had been turned out of a tin . ’
28 ‘ He said it was because the seams looked as if they were going somewhere … ’
29 In flight , its little wings look as if they can barely hold it in the air .
30 Both in terms of price and utility , the players look as if they will be a major challenge to chip-based products .
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