Example sentences of "[noun pl] may [be] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 These cases may be discounted for the present purpose , which is not to see what lay people believed or imagined about the law , but what distinctions and doctrines the jurists who developed it were employing .
2 Many reasons may be adduced for the Polish uprising of November 1830 : the Russians ' two-year hunt for " Polish Decembrists " ; the tsar 's reluctance to be separately crowned as King of Poland ; the refusal of St Petersburg to attach to the " Congress Kingdom " of Poland the provinces to the east which had once been part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ; the emergence of Polish literary figures who " understood romanticism as embodying a patriotic call to restore the old republic within its old frontiers " ; the decline of the Polish economy ; the inspiration of the events of 1830 in France and Belgium ; and the arrest , just before the rising , of a number of militant soldiers and students .
3 Three reasons may be advanced for labelling these cases as manslaughter rather than murder .
4 Ten or more coaches may be needed for a provincial tour by the Queen when the train becomes her Palace on Wheels .
5 Government grants to local authorities may be justified for two reasons .
6 It is because of this that observations in shear flows may be used for experimental investigations of the Kolmogorov law , eqn ( 20.11 ) .
7 Yet it is the state that ensures that only solicitors may be paid for transferring interests in land or that only doctors may issue death certificates .
8 In order to erode inflationary expectations , deflationary policies may be called for which temporarily raise the unemployment rate above U * ; , thereby leading by degrees to downward revisions of the expected , and hence the actual , rate of inflation .
9 Where such a summons has not been served because the defendant has left the district after issue , successive summonses may be issued for service in any district to which he has moved ( Ord 7 , r 19(2) ) .
10 Safe grips can be used and the appropriate sized roller used for each length of hair ; dolls or wigs may be used for this .
11 This mode is carried forward from the 1954 Convention , and it is expressly provided that ‘ if exceptional circumstances so require ’ diplomatic channels may be used for the same purpose .
12 He relates this to the state of culture of his own age , facing dangers of over-specialization , which impoverishes both the religious and artistic sensibilities by separating each from the other , so that only ‘ the vestige of manners may be left for those who , having their sensibility uninformed either by religion or by art , … have nothing left but an inherited behaviour which ceases to have meaning ’ .
13 Replace them as a whole Secondhand units may be purchased for approx £50 As you intend to fit a larger engine a Salisbury rear axle as fitted to Series 3 LWB which is much stronger than your present axle , should be considered
14 Ultrasonic signals may be used for short-range control purposes .
15 The atomic processes are all straightforward : unc ( Recall that , in IF/ALT , no free variables may be used for inputting . )
16 It is expected that there will be a capacity audience , but if any seats are available at that time non-members may be admitted for £1.50 .
17 Dominoes may be used for matching , as in the game of dominoes itself , and the dots would be seen as patterns to match ( not necessarily to count ) .
18 Links between subjects may be sought for to enable a thematic approach or topic work to continue .
19 Prize-winning entries may be used for publication , promotions or advertising purposes .
20 SOME READERS may be forgiven for thinking that aeronautics began with the Wright Brothers .
21 With so many explanations , readers may be forgiven for thinking that , in theory , ‘ anything goes ’ .
22 Alternatively , one of its Regional Offices may be contacted for which the address and telephone numbers can be found in local telephone directories .
23 As a result of the expansion in foreign direct investment , trade deficits are no longer purely national concepts : a large chunk of a country 's exports and imports may be accounted for by foreign firms with bases there .
24 In order to overcome territorial differences , quotas may be established for individual regions , areas or salespeople .
25 Yet another complicating factor is that the account given of the generic team 's work with elderly clients is bound to be only a partial exemplification of whatever advantages may be claimed for the generic model , whether of professional practice or of staff development .
26 Moreover , not all the bones from a single carcase may be regurgitated in the same pellet , for in a study on tawny owl digestion using marked carcases , Lowe ( 1980 ) showed that some bones may be retained for 24 to 48 hours while others from the same animal were regurgitated earlier .
27 He points out that they are negative or affirmative orders and that the Standing Orders of the House lay down that such matters may be debated for an hour and a half after 10 o'clock .
28 Both measures are retrospective to 1 January 1993 ; that is , export licences may be issued for objects ‘ lawfully and definitively located ’ in a member state on that date , and the restitution procedure may be started for an object unlawfully removed from a member state on or after that date .
29 Targets may be set for any parameter that can be measured as the project proceeds , such as cost , time and performance .
30 Exceptions may be made for specific schedules which may be the subject of separate warranties .
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