Example sentences of "[noun pl] may be [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 However ironic it may seem , the same corporate power so often targeted by these protests may be ensuring that such protest art has a guaranteed place in those museums .
2 Also , the task can be quite daunting ; assumptions and approximations may be required that the originator of the project can not accept , leading to revision of the goals or abandonment of the study .
3 Conversely , arguments may be made that barriers to takeovers should not be reduced , as the threat of takeovers leads to ‘ short-term ’ corporate behaviour .
4 Exemplary material suggested in the interim history reports can be examined , and similar examples may be found that relate to the local area .
5 Children may be feeling that this is the only safe way they have of proving how good they can be .
6 It 's often felt that reading , or reading aloud , is an effective way of teaching spelling , and pupils may be advised that to improve their spelling they should read more .
7 On the other hand , students may be reassured that those requirements are rigorously applied .
8 Physically handicapped students may be assured that their applications will be considered on the academic grounds applying to all candidates .
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