Example sentences of "[noun pl] may be [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Earthworms may be transport hosts , the eggs simply passing through the gut , or paratenic hosts in which the egg hatches and the L2 travels to the tissues to await ingestion by the fowl .
2 Selected or key settlements may be service centres ; they may also be associated with public investment in facilities such as schools and council housing , and designated for residential expansion or for industrial growth ( Woodruffe 1976 ) .
3 BANKS may be money grabbers but they are still the safest places to leave your money , as the mother and son found when £29,000 was stolen from their parked car .
4 Many of these workers may be farm workers released by mechanisation of agriculture .
5 These small farmers may be tenant farmers , sharecroppers or owners of small farms .
6 Other ‘ cracks ’ are probably grooves cut by impact ejecta , and some of the ridges may be ejecta deposits .
7 Using OSCLI has the advantage that the file names may be string variables .
8 Indeed , the situation might actually be worse than the classical neurosis because at least in that case the chief symptoms of the disorder , for instance , neurotic anxiety , present themselves as definite psychopathic factors , whereas in an externalized , acted-out neurosis the symptoms may be reality factors that arise because of maladaptive behaviour which may mask its irrational , compulsive nature .
9 Shades of wine and roses may be beauty staples , but they are major complexion enliveners nonetheless .
10 The components may be crystal grains and their arrangement is not generally subject to the three-dimensional periodicity and the energy-dependent packing laws of the crystal lattice — so that the permissible kinds of order differ from those of crystals .
11 Do n't just include music from the 30s and 40s — some residents may like light classical or early music , others may be jazz buffs .
12 Furthermore , although public bureaus may be monopoly producers , bureaucrats are not monopolists .
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