Example sentences of "[noun pl] because they had [been] " in BNC.

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1 Children who did not want to grow up haunted Kensington gardens because they had been happy there .
2 Now they and their mothers could share more things because they had been through the same experiences — something that happens with older mothers and their parents as well .
3 Three other officials of the Old Kingdom came to be venerated as gods because they had been wise , good and successful .
4 Mr Jones said the NSA was fortunate in having Mr John Gittins and his family as hosts because they had been a pioneer of land improvement , while recognising the importance of conservation , and had been at the forefront in developing new commercial crossbred sheep which have proved a boon for Welsh farmers and their market awareness .
5 Most participants in special programmes simultaneously answered that they were in temporary jobs because they had been unable to find permanent work ; a small proportion , consisting mainly of YTS participants , saw their places on the scheme as jobs which were temporary because they involved a contract for training .
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