Example sentences of "[noun pl] give him a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His Etonian vowels give him a peculiar aural resemblance to Brian Johnston of Test Match Special ( imagine Johnners talking about what an axe can do to the flesh and you will have some idea of just how disorienting this is ) .
2 The British Ambassador , Anthony Parsons , a man whose heavy spectacles gave him an amiable academic appearance , was an Arabist who had been in Iran since 1974 .
3 Craig ran his hand through his hair so that it sprung into small curls giving him a rakish appearance .
4 The explicit lines gave him a twisted perception of British women , a court heard yesterday .
5 ‘ Poor Mangan , ’ Father Poole would sigh , ‘ the street-arabs gave him an awful time — and I was one of them , God forgive me . ’
6 A ‘ stringer ’ is n't just a freelance — it 's a correspondent based away from head office whose local contacts give him an on-the-spot usefulness which far surpasses that of a reporter sent out from head office . ’
7 He was the only Ryan to wear glasses , which he was forever pushing higher on his nose , the thick lenses giving him an owlish appearance .
8 Even the lady who stood on the corner handing out white feathers gave him an approving nod .
9 Despite the record unpopularity of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , the 2,500 delegates gave him a warm reception as he promised a third consecutive PCP victory in the federal elections due in 1993 .
10 And those eyes that seemed to dance and scowl at the same time from beneath their fringe of long dark lashes gave him a restless , unpredictable air .
11 He held his hand to his mouth in mock apology as both girls gave him a straight look .
12 These words might have had Philip Grey of Warwick University Bookshop strung up for high treason a decade or so ago , but such are the realities of recession that far from stringing him up , CUBs gave him a whole session in which to address the question of Who Needs Books ?
13 It was doubtful whether his preaching saved many souls , but enough of the navvies gave him a polite hearing to satisfy his missionary urges .
14 The field officer 's sense of autonomy derives from the fact that being allocated to districts on a geographical basis designed around river catchments gives him a personal territorial jurisdiction over which he presides .
15 Instead of wrestling with the imponderables of land and trees and drainage and crops , he was back where his skills gave him a harsh certainty .
16 These activities gave him an enduring influence in the development of young musicians .
17 The men gave him a small piece of paper .
18 Suspended from duty , the police gave him an internal trial .
19 Magistrates gave him a conditional discharge and disqualified him from driving for two years .
20 While Charles remained , apparently inactive , at Edinburgh , the British government was making vigorous preparations to give him a warm reception when , as expected , he advanced into England .
21 He was a tall , attractive man in his mid-forties , the grey hair at his temples giving him a distinguished look .
22 His friends and colleagues gave him a memorable send off and presented him with binoculars ( for his bird watching ) , a leather writing case ( so that he can drop us a line from far off places ) and a couple of brandy glasses ( empty — unfortunately ) .
23 His friends and colleagues gave him a cut glass sherry decanter and group pensions manager , , complemented this gift with matching sherry glasses .
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