Example sentences of "[noun pl] give [prep] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the historian , then , the problem becomes one of discovering the contours of Victorian sexual mores without surrendering to facile generalisations , for despite a plethora of studies we are still woefully ignorant of general trends in the development of sexual attitudes , of their effects on individual lives , and of the particular meanings given to their activities by the sexual subjects in all their variety — by class , by gender , by generation and by region .
2 In contrast to the parties given in his honour , from which Eliot would contrive to slip away after a token attendance , these functions , never too large , were the kind he most enjoyed .
3 ‘ I CAME into politics to help ensure that the freedom of opportunities given to my generation would be extended more widely .
4 Another field in which he became actively involved was wireless , his interest being aroused by a lecture on Hertzian waves given by his friend ( Sir ) Oliver Lodge [ q.v. ] in 1894 .
5 Much of this information is offered in the form that the authors give to their clients in written handouts .
6 ( Palmer 1986 , Radway 1984 ) But at the same time , such research raises many questions ; not least , how to make sense of the accounts readers give of their activity as they read .
7 Even if we have few possessions or little wealth to give away , may we seek out opportunities to give of our time , our skills and our concern to those who need us .
8 You can also feature the emblem on goods produced in this country , on packaging and office stationery , in advertising , and on articles given to your employees — such as neckties , lapel badges , brooches , cuff links and tie-tacks .
9 Parents give to their children , and continue to give more than their children ever give them in most cases , although one situation in which this flow often is reversed is where children have migrated to a more affluent country , and expect to send money back to their parents ( see for example , Thorogood , 1987 ) .
10 Parents give to their children and their grandchildren and they continue to give .
11 326 , where the debtor ( the liquidator ) was a party to the agreement between the creditors ( the directors of the company ) , Horridge J. held that ‘ by becoming a party he obtained the benefit of the consideration which each of the directors gave to his co-director by waiving his right to his fees . ’
12 They would then be exposed before the kinsmen , complete with presents such as metal dishes , tools and beads given by their captors , to demonstrate that they were still in one piece , and even being treated well .
13 This is not so much because John Hart , the Malvern College schoolmaster , and his nine colleagues would have otherwise found themselves paying a hefty tax bill on the concessionary school places given to their sons eight years ago ; nor is it so much because of the thousands of other employees who would also have faced tax bills for other concessionary benefits .
14 What meanings do individuals give to their experiences ?
15 The Pre-Raphaelites and their circle depicted jewellery in their paintings and also designed or purchased pieces to give to their relatives and friends .
16 Each day the retreatant has a few suggested passages given by his director who meets him once a day for sharing and reflection .
17 The figures given to me show that there are 1,719 prisoners held in police cells .
18 Here he receives , from Donald Weir , Estates and Buildings Officer , a farewell card and travelling gifts given by his colleagues .
19 Firstly , the aid should be demonstrated for correct holding , the parts named and some instructions given on its care .
20 I wonder what advice Opposition Members give to their constituents who are liable to pay that 20 per cent .
21 They made their complaint but when Mrs Dyson timidly approached Miss Meers she was so abusive that both girls gave in their notice to leave the following week .
22 If understanding the way children think , how they respond to experience and how adults can identify the messages which children give through their behaviour , are central to the teacher 's art , then initial teacher training should offer more than lip service to classroom experience .
23 The excitement , suspense , and danger which seems the lot of the police on celluloid feeds into the definitions many of Easton 's section police give to their work experience , and the supposed similarity of this experience leads them to see police films and television programmes as an accurate portrayal , to be watched avidly because of this shared world .
24 Before returning to Denmark , he touched at Sandwich to put ashore hostages given to his father , having first cut off their hands , ears and noses .
25 It therefore follows that an understanding of action requires an interpretation of the meanings which the actors give to their activities .
26 In this way traditional theory ‘ explains ’ in the absence of experience ( i.e. in abstraction ) and so merely confirms the ideological categories given to its consciousness .
27 You add up the total marks given to your players , divide by x — then roll a dice that number of times and take the highest number rolled …
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