Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [verb] through the " in BNC.

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1 It can hardly have been on account of the unanimous beliefs of the many Home Secretaries who passed through the department during the period — though it has to be said that only one , Roy Jenkins , showed any real interest in the issue and he did what he could to achieve action .
2 I think he was certainly mixed up in the beastly business of getting into England some of those unhappy Asians who pay through the nose either because they 're desperate to join relatives , or because they think they can find work here .
3 Officials who get through the qualifying round will be able to compete against the best in the world and there will also be prizes by British divisions .
4 In the second place , the position of strangers who deal through the husband with the wife in a transaction operating to the husband 's advantage may , by that fact alone , be affected by any equity which as between the husband and wife might arise from his conduct .
5 Among the clerics who swept through the courtyard was Dr Ahmad Najafi , a 33-year-old scholar and trained doctor who served at the front during the war against Iraq .
6 Despite the significant number of labouring poets who published through the century , Hands assumed that her social position would constitute an obstacle to the acceptance of her work .
7 Julian went out from her strangely uneasy for creatures who walked through the world so openly and confidently .
8 There 's an awful lot of females who go through the programme and get nowhere or have unsuccessful attempts .
9 A host of current Irish League stars who came through the ranks will line up in a special BB challenge match .
10 Stars who appeared through the years included the Rolling Stones , Elton John , Rod Stewart and Madonna .
11 Many Americans who lived through the war years and remembered quite vividly the virtual hatred and perceived Japanese treachery fuelled during the war probably stiffened at the presented Japanese viewpoint but it remains , for the most part , historically accurate .
12 it led me to think that players who come through the youth system should be ‘ guaranteed ’ a huge loyalty bonus after a certain period .
13 Charmed too by her four cousins , their husbands and wives , all of whom treated her with instant familiarity , and their children who caroused through the house with unstoppable stamina , much to her aunt 's hilarity .
14 Some of these men who passed through the Met Office were unforgettable characters .
15 These houses were rarely seen by travellers who passed through the town on their way from Derby to Manchester .
16 It was mid-autumn , and the bulk of the tourists who thronged through the picturesque villages in the summer had gone .
17 TWO old buddies who came through the rugby school of warfare together are poised to lift Ards out of doldrums .
18 The galaxy if full of criminal organizations of every sort — from gangs of juvenile hot-jetters who storm through the Netlines and vandalize the odd moon to groups of hard-bitten specialists in banditry and terrorism .
19 Pius XI had sanctioned for recital after Mass a special prayer to St Michael ‘ for the conversion of Russia ’ , imploring him to thrust down to hell ‘ Satan and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls ’ .
20 There is no need for a warning or consent , however , in the case of the firm 's employees who deal through the firm ( as is often required for personal account dealings ) if they are informed that they will not be treated as private customers .
21 Colleagues who suffer through the menopause sometimes ca n't afford to pay the high cost of a pre-paid prescription charge .
22 The breed of Tories who passed through the Commons , on their way from the Brigade of Guards to the House of Lords ’ , is no more .
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