Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 A pair of young fighters who come into the ring and fight a contest of this kind would have had the referee boxing their ears and offering such terse words as ‘ get in there and fight ’ .
2 So each interviewer goes out hunting for informants who fit into the right boxes — or quotas .
3 The total ban on all vehicles including cycles will run from 10.30am to 4pm and they stressed disabled drivers who get into the area before 10.30 would be able to stay for three hours before driving out .
4 Hordes of others followed on foot ; retainers gaudy in the livery of great lords , and the bright French silks of young gallants who swarmed into the city like butterflies under the warm sun and blue skies .
5 He was determined to disarm any refugees who came into the grounds , and so prevent anyone from starting trouble there .
6 In a fit of pique , Peking suspended an agreement with Hong Kong to take back Chinese economic refugees who cross into the colony illegally .
7 As a result , chairman Bob Horton ordered an increase in ‘ refreshment points ’ for the 800 shareholders who crowded into the Barbican Centre .
8 Of the twenty non-royal knights who processed into the chapel , all except for the two former Labour prime ministers had been at public schools .
9 Afterwards , however , Pond , himself a Baptist and used to Beecher 's Plymouth Church , described the congregation as ‘ a very devout crowd of worshippers who entered into the spirit of the occasion and did worship the Lord and Mr Spurgeon with tremendous intensity ’ .
10 So , it 's Headington Amateurs who go into the next round of the Oxfordshire Senior Cup , that 's the fourth round .
11 While many of the 200 young mothers , grandmothers , shoppers and office workers who drifted into the Women 's Education Day might never have thought of themselves in this light , they probably identified immediately with the cartoon on the fact sheet : ‘ I am not just a housewife , I am an accountant , vet , nurse , negotiator , teacher , cook , red coat , driver … ‘ .
12 The father-of-three was caught after four of the 800 workers who paid into the City Council Life Insurance Welfare Scheme died in a short space of time .
13 Is the covenant a relation between God and Jewish males , in which Jewish women are included under it , but not as persons who enter into the contract in their own right ?
14 Guildford returned leading a large company of masked figures who marched into the hall to the raucous clamour of tambour and fife .
15 I see so we 've got the five officers who went into the flat now coming one after the other
16 As one of the younger officers who came into the job around the time of the reorganization of the water industry , he enjoyed the additional tasks , in contrast with the more experienced men who feel their autonomy has been eroded .
17 Burglars who broke into the Blacksmiths Arms in Stranton , Hartlepool , escaped with a quantity of jewellery despite being disturbed by the landlord 's wife .
18 Burglars who broke into the Spennymoor Leisure Centre were thwarted in their efforts to break into the bar .
19 Again there are too few patients who fall into the category of significant changs in body weight to permit valid conclusions but given the limited information , this did not seem to influence these results .
20 Professionals who fall into the above categories are consequently viewed as ‘ temporary ’ or ‘ constructive ’ insiders .
21 But the meeting understood that " It has hitherto been the policy of this HQ and remains ( it is understood ) the advice of the British Resident Minister and the US Political Adviser that all classes and types of dissident and anti-Tito Jugoslavs who fall into the hands of Allied Forces either in Italy or in Austria should not be forced to return to Jugoslavia … "
22 The girls who pile into the exhibition centre are usually accompanied by a flock of female relatives .
23 There was also the magnet of London and many families had adventurous members who moved into the capital during the period from about 1775 to 1825 , some considerably raising their financial and social status in doing so .
24 Two UN doctors who got into the area recently reported that amputations were being carried out with a carpenter 's saw and no anaesthetic or antibiotics .
25 ‘ It was an important game for us , ’ he said , ‘ and the players who came into the side did very well .
26 Women are now eligible to work down the pits under previous legislation , but there is protection for kids , for the 16-year-olds who come into the industry .
27 I must admit I do not seem to know them as I used to years ago , apart from a couple of detectives who come into the shop .
28 To see how this works , it is necessary to calculate the total proportions who come into the non-base category of X 1 and X 2 from figure 13.5 ; 0.530 of the sample is young and 0.578 is rich .
29 ‘ Yes , well , one of his sergeants was killed saving the lives of two village children who fell into the mill race , remember .
30 The incidence of the Famine was in fact worse for those peasants who wandered into the nearby Volga cities or travelled much further afield .
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