Example sentences of "[noun pl] if they [vb base] they " in BNC.

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1 Louisiana has a ‘ shoot the burglar ’ law , which allows householders to kill intruders if they think they are a threat to themselves or their families .
2 A new generation of canny investors who have inherited family fortunes will quickly switch banks if they think they are getting a raw deal .
3 Ask the children if they think they can walk through a postcard .
4 Some patients are more suggestible than others in this respect , but a fair proportion of food-sensitive people will react with symptoms if they think they have eaten one of their culprit foods .
5 As Grey 's colleague John Chilton says , the villagers will take more care of their new systems if they feel they belong to them .
6 Including knocking off photographs if they say they 're gon na want photographs .
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