Example sentences of "[noun pl] than it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is a bleakness which centres on Patrick 's infidelities : but it may also be true that the rudeness and aggression with which Jenny , their sex object , is treated by various chuntering males has grown grimmer with the years than it was reckoned to be , by the author , by me and by many of his readers , at the time .
2 Pence and pounds than it was to deal with the old pounds , shillings and pence .
3 The regime was less keen to placate intellectuals than it was to calm the gentry , but despite the alarming pronouncements of " the Great Russian " and the authors of To the Young Generation and Young Russia , it had less need to do so .
4 Mendès-France thereby demonstrated that it was more important to him to keep the French army free from supranational controls than it was to prevent German rearmament .
5 The moon had risen but no sooner did it spill its silver light over the fields than it was swallowed up by cloud .
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