Example sentences of "[noun pl] could be [vb pp] without " in BNC.

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1 The very substantial endowments most princes had accumulated in the ninth and tenth centuries could be curtailed without disaster in the favourable economic climate of the eleventh century .
2 Whereas in the past the boards would say that advanced calculators could be used without additional calculating programmes or memory banks , such programmes and data banks are incorporated in the latest generation of machines as a matter of course .
3 Thus ready-formed vitamins and proteins could be absorbed without them having to be laboriously manufactured from gases , other minerals , or light energy .
4 The survey of tax practitioners who are members of the institute , part of a research project at Bristol University , found that NIC compliance costs were unnecessarily high and considerable savings could be made without a fundamental change in Government policy .
5 Mr Chairman , if decent people find it necessary er to kill animals they believe be vermin they do n't dress up in red coats and call them pink and er charge er , er , er , about er drinking st stirrup cups and tooting horns , er they go out and kill the vermin , it 's a necessary job that has to be done and of course , er there are many ways in which foxes could be killed without cruelty if it is necessary to kill them .
6 Yes , where , sorry , Ian Smith , Ryedale District , yes , er where it was considered those allocated sites could be developed without extending development into the greenbelt .
7 The Secretaries of State could take powers under the Act to widen the circumstances under which such restrictions and revocations could be made without compensation , but they are extremely reluctant to face the wrath of the industry , for obvious reasons .
8 Indeed , it even handed over several copies of its official stamp to Agrokomerc , so that the notes could be endorsed without the bother of sending them to the bank .
9 If this were so , the existence of ideologies could be explained without resorting to an ‘ anthropological dimension ’ .
10 Managing director Tim Hely Hutchinson said that the profitability of the publishing business , together with the contribution from Bookpoint , was now such that its organic growth plans could be funded without significant net cash usage .
11 Variety found that it ‘ fails to engage any sympathy or interest : entire reels could be interchanged without it being evident ’ .
12 It also stipulated that no subsequent change to the borrowing rules could be made without the approval of at least 85 per cent of the shareholders .
13 The days when fine buildings could be demolished without anyone knowing or objecting are largely over .
14 To highlight the problem , and to try to explore solutions , SAVE published a report , A Future for Farm Buildings , which illustrated the many uses to which farm buildings could be put without compromising their character or integrity .
15 The cost of the entire operation was competitive with glass bottles and , moreover , the package and contents could be dropped without damage or loss and therefore should have been an attractive proposition to supermarkets and bottling plants alike .
16 The Council maintained that the investment problems could be overcome without major organisational change .
17 The confidence which marked the early years of the reign that major liberal reforms could be introduced without endangering the social and political order was severely shaken .
18 erm but these things could be done without going to committees , without any problem whatsoever if we just have this experiment to see how it works .
19 There is no necessary relationship between these schemata and the actual details of a song ; the details could be substituted without affecting the essential meaning , while conversely the overall structure does not depend on the details .
20 The data revealed that human impact was greatest with initial use ; further increases in use levels exhibited a non-linear relationship , illustrating that once a campsite had been established , higher-use levels could be sustained without incurring disproportionate damage .
21 In support of Mansfield , A E Killip challenged the Alliance to demonstrate how rates could be reduced without disadvantage to the community .
22 Farms could be accumulated without being enclosed , and individual yeomen could , by exchanging strips in the open fields with their neighbours , consolidate their holdings and thereby create a unit which was easier to work .
23 Independence of domestic policies Under the adjustable peg system , deficit countries had to direct fiscal and monetary policies at the external situation since expenditure-reducing was the only way in which the balance of payments could be improved without devaluation .
24 AIRLINES could save millions , motorway signs could be more efficiently lit and bags could be sealed without the need for adhesive thanks to new technology to put microscopic grooves and markings on a surface .
25 However , that agenda did have the advantage that it could be developed on an evolutionary basis , and that further innovations could be incorporated without major upheaval .
26 Under the new system ( laid down in sections 26–32 of the ERA 1988 ) schools would be able to admit pupils until they were physically full — a stage reached when no additional pupils could be accommodated without the school being in breach of the law governing the use of school premises ( see below ) .
27 A pair of researchers arrived at the extraordinary conclusion that fusion of deuterons could be achieved without the application of massive external energy , which had previously been thought to be an indispensable condition .
28 The example of the a-ray microscope shows that it is far from clear how these two worlds could be juxtaposed without subverting and contradicting the very quantum theory they were invented to explain .
29 This meant that there was a limit beyond which wages could be reduced without harming the industrial process or generating such misery that the workers would rebel against the system .
30 In Masailand such thoughts could be entertained without abandoning the imperial obligation to attempt improvement ; there DO-hood was constantly being born anew , the same irresistible force meeting the same immovable object .
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