Example sentences of "[noun pl] would have [been] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Coun Harford said the council chamber in Middlesbrough town hall or Teesside Polytechnic could have been looked at or public buildings in one of the districts would have been better .
2 John Chadwick ( 1976 , p. 157 ) agrees that transactions would have been easier if prices were agreed in terms of a base-commodity — whether gold or silver or something else — but there seems to be no evidence of this in the archive tablets .
3 Some modern footgear and small sized chocks would have been better than acid drops on that day !
4 I looked at Mum and thought if only she was as nice as she looked maybe all our lives would have been better .
5 If each row had been widened , one row would have had to have been removed , meaning the new front seats would have been higher than health and safety rules allowed .
6 Or , as it was earlier in the year this time , there may not have been the necessity since the kits would have been smaller .
7 The Navigation Acts were complicated and applying the regulations would have been harder if there had been a great deal of trade between the colonies , but in the seventeenth century most of the trade of each colony on the American mainland or in the West Indies was with England rather than with other colonies .
8 Undoubtedly the people left behind can experience immense dislocation , amounting in extreme cases to complete social and economic dereliction , but with no economic base to support a larger rural population , conditions would have been worse if those who moved to the towns had chosen to remain in the countryside .
9 And the figures would have been higher still , but for a smaller rise in car offences which account for three quarters of all reported crimes .
10 Things would have been pleasanter if the weather had been more summery , but you ca n't have everything and in England one gets accustomed to wet and windy summers .
11 Carrying a tray of glasses would have been easier if the floor had been stable but I made it to the far end with only a lurch or two and delivered the goods as required .
12 Without those benefits the profits would have been lower than last year , although the core transport and distribution divisions did much better .
13 The fare increases would have been bigger but for the governments last minute intervention .
14 ‘ It was n't a proper race anyway , all the runners would have been happier with a stronger gallop , ’ he said .
15 ‘ Zero incidents would have been better , ’ said Malcolm Hartley , the site safety adviser , ‘ and this is our target for 1993 , but only one incident throughout the year is extremely good news and could not have been achieved without the strong commitment for safe working shared by the site 's work-force ’ .
16 His injuries would have been worse but for Territorial Army training supervisor Mr Colin Wilberforce , who risked his life to drag Mr Samson away before the grenade exploded .
17 He also admitted beating Mr Leyland , although the injuries would have been worse if his friends had not intervened .
18 He said that the doctor seemed to think Sigarup would be all right — although his chances would have been better if they 'd brought him sooner .
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