Example sentences of "[noun pl] would need to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Their legs would need to be proportionately stronger , more like a reptile 's or a mammal 's , in which case they would need to have the metabolism of either a reptile or a mammal .
2 Might it not follow that other steps would need to be taken to help curb local unacceptable populations of rats and mice ?
3 Reform could take many guises , but there would have to be large investment in housing renewal , educational provision and job creation , while steps would need to be taken to reduce the real but , Scarman argued , not institutionalized , racism apparent within the Metropolitan Police .
4 For monetary policy to be successful the values of these parameters would need to be known .
5 Where a many-to-many relationship is implied hierarchies would need to be created for both directions if the model is to represent the ‘ real world ’ accurately .
6 How might your various strategies change and what further considerations would need to be made if , after initial success in the United States market , the Middle East and Japan offered good export opportunities ?
7 In addition , performance aspects would need to be watched closely .
8 ‘ But it is quite clear that in order to generate the development side of the research , new funds would need to be made available , ’ he says .
9 Such experiences would need to be repeated many times before there was a lasting effect , but this , of course is irrelevant in the context of the immensity of evolutionary time .
10 Working on those figures , he predicted that 58pc of double deckers , 52pc of single deckers and 92pc of minibuses currently operated by the six major companies would need to be replaced by mid 1996 .
11 Some estimates , however , suggest that vast areas would need to be planted to compensate adequately for the plant 's greenhouse gas emissions .
12 This would mean that a supply of dollar bills would need to be available at UK banks .
13 But , if the wife has been in receipt of the advice of a stranger whom the creditor believes on reasonable grounds to be competent , independent and disinterested , then the circumstances would need to be very exceptional before the creditor could be held bound by any equity which otherwise might arise from the husband 's conduct and his wife 's actual failure to understand the transaction …
14 They would receive greater public advertisement , and the more important applications would need to be accompanied by an impact study .
15 " They told me that the trousers would need to be stolen from me to qualify .
16 In a partnership any adjustment to original provisions and submitted computations would need to be communicated to each partner and his or her adviser , and adjustments made for each partner to payments on account .
17 It would focus on specific knowledge or skills ; the test questions would need to be carefully designed to reveal any lack of understanding which may exist .
18 Such questions would need to be studied and evaluated at a local level .
19 In arriving at a figure for stock in a business manufacturing and assembling furniture what questions would need to be considered ?
20 Many changes would need to be made to meet the needs of those learners .
21 Discuss what changes would need to be made if Susan and Bob decided to form a company to take over the business to protect both partners ' interests as they stand under the current partnership agreement .
22 Translating a paper agreement into reality was likely to prove difficult ; several major problems would need to be overcome .
23 Huge cost factors would be involved in developing , organising , and running such an archive , and major managerial and curatorial problems would need to be overcome .
24 He said the figures would need to be studied .
25 Even with PAC data some assumptions would need to be made about numbers of persons per household if good population estimates were to be made .
26 This is because the structure is more complex , and additional searches would need to be made to check whether paths already exist .
27 Divergent estimates as to how many substances would need to be tested in more detail put the figure at between 5000 and 30 000 ’ .
28 She knew , ’ said Raynor thoughtfully , ‘ that long-ago Queen , that there would be times in Ireland 's history when things would need to be hidden . ’
29 Ideally , all the above qualifications would need to be taken into account in any attempt to prescribe policy .
30 Since the conductivity is very low , precise techniques would need to be developed for its measurement , which may present very difficult problems to be overcome , but the research programme would be complete once the relevant information had been obtained .
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