Example sentences of "[noun pl] will [verb] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They say that supermarkets will overestimate next year 's requirements and then force farmers to discount .
2 The Equal Opportunities Officer is now in post and it is anticipated that costs will reduce next year .
3 I can confirm that the new Networker turbo class 165 trains will be in service in the May timetable this year — that will bring an improvement of the service on the Thames line — and the Networker express class 166 trains will arrive next year .
4 RECENT headlines proclaiming that house prices will leap next year have brought cheer throughout Britain .
5 A European distribution strategy is still being put together according to Univel 's international marketing director , Greg Fallan , though existing Novell distributors and resellers will get first refusal .
6 Shipments will begin next month .
7 Although Venables ' failure to win an in- junction preventing his sacking means Spurs will start next season without him at the helm , he could still regain control if his bid to buy out Mr Sugar proves successful .
8 The next vice-presidential elections will begin next month , with the result announced in March 1993 .
9 The results will determine next year 's research grant .
10 Mr Scannell warns that if you own French property you must plan ahead for inheritance — under French law your children will have first crack at the property .
11 Apart from the considerable advantages for the mentally handicapped child , the other children will have first hand contact with mental handicap at an early age .
12 Magistrates will decide next month whether to send Ruth Hilali for crown court trial .
13 Pacific Telesis Group Inc expects to report a net loss for full year 1993 after estimated charges of $2,000m related to accounting changes and other restructuring and disposition reserves : the accounting change on future retiree health benefits will reduce first quarter pre-tax profit by $2,600m and first quarter net by $1,600m , and an accounting change on post-employment benefits , such as long-term disability and workers ' compensation , will reduce first quarter net by $151m ; it will also establish reserves that will lower net profit by about $260m — some $210m of this is related to the recent decision to dispose of its property portfolio over the next three to five years , the balance to withdrawal from or restructuring of cable and equipment businesses , and costs following spin-off of the cellular operation ; its Pacific Bell subsidiary will recognise employee benefits liability over 20 years , consistent with a decision by the California Public Utilities Commission .
14 ‘ There is no doubt that in private ownership , services will take second place to the search for profit , and there will be horrendous operating problems , ’ he said .
15 ‘ But Group employees will have first chance to buy them — at £5 a time — before they go on general sale . ’
16 The bulk of the jobs will go next year , and the company is promising there will be no compulsory redundancies .
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