Example sentences of "[noun pl] which have [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 As Acheson had remarked in 1952 , the world had moved on too far for Churchill and Eden to try to revive the sort of personal ties which had existed with President Roosevelt during the Second World War — this would be " a classical example of the wrong way to do things " .
2 He accepted a copy of the book with words which have remained with me — and may well have come to haunt Casey wherever he now is .
3 It formulated a relationship between the county and voluntary sectors which has lasted with little change .
4 Additional proposals include setting up an emergency fund to save buildings or sites for the nation and another for historic gardens ( two proposals which have met with approval ) , and cutting back on conservation grants , principally repair grants made to local authorities , amounting to £9.5 million annually , half of which has been on a pound-for-pound basis .
5 Rival militant groups which had co-operated with the Indian forces were effectively relegated to politics in exile .
6 If action is forthcoming , it is likely to be directed initially at the Government rather than the chemical companies which have complied with the necessary tests and procedures required to have the chemicals licenced .
7 Persia meanwhile was digesting the experience of conquest by the Arabs which had begun with Qadesiyah .
8 Parachute Squadron ( 9 PARA SQN RE ) , medics from 23 Parachute Field Ambulance ( 23 PARA ) , and the many other essential elements Which have grouped with the LPBG for this particular exercise .
9 Jesus had not left them orphans : he had come to them in the person of the Spirit , who was not only the special gift of the Messiah to the messianic people in order to enable them to know his continued presence with them , but was the first instalment of the Age to Come , the pledge that the last days which had dawned with Jesus of Nazareth would , one day , come to God 's perfect conclusion .
10 I remember a story from my student days which has stuck with me in this way ever since .
11 A pharmaceutical salesperson will discuss with doctors the problems which have arisen with patient treatment ; perhaps an ointment has been ineffective or a harmful side-effect has been discovered .
12 Who thought of them can only be imagined , but it is obvious that some are attributed to the physical build or character while others have probably got connections with the work they did , terms which have died with them .
13 Greater weight will usually be given to propositions which have met with general approval among lawyers and commentators .
14 Those colleges which have merged with polytechnics and other further education colleges are ipso facto part of a diversified institution , though in the case of Derby Lonsdale and Nene Colleges a proportion of their students are on non-advanced courses .
15 Since his survey at the Serpentine Gallery in 1990 , he has pursued a busy curriculum of foreign commitments which have coincided with the loan of ‘ Tabbard ’ , a new abstract canvas from a private collection in Washington , to the Tate Gallery .
16 The book contains chapters such as ‘ Playing a round with nature ’ ( presumably it plays off scratch ) , as well as a roll call of courses which have worked with the environment in their design and management , namely Royal Troon , Royal St. David 's ( in Harlech ) , Tenby , Lindrick ( in South Yorkshire ) , Gleneagles ( which provides a habitat for , amongst others , kestrels , partridges , pheasants and roe deer ) , Luffenham Heath , Sundridge Park , Royal Birkdale , Woodhall Spa and Western Gailes .
17 This large and important group of plants is represented today by a mere four genera of humble herbaceous plants — Lycopodium , Selaginella , Isoetes and Phylloglossum — living fossils which have survived with little change from the Mesozoic or even the Carboniferous .
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