Example sentences of "[noun pl] which have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Ockleton 's mop of jet black hair , his apple-cheeked face and the spectacles which had slid to the end of his nose combined with a tattered gown and a skew-knotted tie to create an impression of immaturity entirely at odds with his voice .
2 Revocation of an objective regime would only be possible with the consent of all parties which had consented to the regime and ‘ have substantial interest in its functioning ’ .
3 He belonged to a family of immigrant Jews which had fled to a Glasgow tenement and a community of Yiddish-speakers within the city .
4 Thus in Europe , the mystical Kabbalism of Isaac Luria ( d. 1572 ) had a deep and enduring influence on the thought and spirituality of Jews which has persisted to the present day , even though it may seem far in spirit from the Talmud .
5 It will then suggest influences which have led to its reconsideration , finally looking towards future developments .
6 It means helping counsellees to become aware of repeating patterns of relationships which have led to unhappy situations throughout their lives and recognizing the part they themselves play in bringing about these recurring patterns .
7 Richard struggled stubbornly on , but the effective end of the civil war came on 13 July when William the Lion , King of Scots , was captured at Alnwick , just one day after as numerous chroniclers pointed out — Henry had done public penance for those hasty words which had led to Becket 's murder .
8 All the cards and calendars which had come to the house were arranged on the mantelpiece , and amongst them were little boxes of sweets and candied fruit and brightly hued crackers .
9 Gen. Dharsono , a former Secretary-General of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , was an associate , but not a signatory , of the " Petition of 50 " movement of dissidents which had risen to prominence in 1984 with the publication of a " Save Democracy " pamphlet [ see pp. 33286-87 ] .
10 Listing the institutions which had contributed to the lamentable performance of ‘ UK plc ’ , Morgan went on to lambast Oxford University ( ‘ dons caught in a timewarp ’ ) , the Church of England ( ‘ the enterprise culture is an alien concept to the established Church ’ ) , and Whitehall ( ‘ our vast body of state employees who do not have to worry where the next pay cheque is coming from ’ ) .
11 Without his salary from Pressed Steel in Oxford , he and his family saw no hope of clearing his debts which had mounted to £8,000 .
12 ( 4 ) With effect from Jan. 1 , 1994 , the federation and the Länder named in Article 1 of this treaty as well as the Trust Agency shall take over the total debts which have accrued to the Special Fund up to Dec. 31 , 1993 , in accordance with Article 27 ( 3 ) ( concerning borrowing and debts ) of the Treaty of May 18 , 1990 , between the FRG and the GDR establishing a Monetary , Economic and Social Union …
13 Participating were delegations from Armenia , Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Russia and Tajikistan — six of the seven states which had agreed to an interparliamentary assembly in April [ see p. 38874 ] ; Uzbekistan sent no delegation .
14 It was over a week since the children had been removed , and both police and the Social Work Department had said they had made independent investigations which had led to their decision to take such drastic action .
15 Walking past the headquarters of the Offshore Supplies Office in Waterloo Street gives little hint of operations which have stretched to every part of the globe for 20 years .
16 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
17 These theories often guide the practice of those who make and carry out the policies which have led to so little actual economic growth and development in most Third World countries .
18 The Government have pursued policies which have added to and certainly not loosened women 's shackles .
19 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
20 These sections are preceded by a supplement listing sixty-one canvases which have come to Wildenstein 's notice in recent years , often as discoveries in the salerooms .
21 From there he went as an assistant solicitor to Tynemouth county borough council , returning to Bishop Auckland after the war to take over an old-established firm of solicitors which had belonged to Colonel Dowling and which later merged with Ernest Proud 's old practice .
22 In this range of senses , we find forms of association of artists which have continued to be important .
23 Geographically , Vietnam and Cuba are remote from the Soviet Union , and their ruling élites are cohesive entities which have come to power through their own efforts .
24 However , the Commerce and Industry Group of the Law Society does offer a range of lectures and meetings which have proved to be useful .
25 7. aria lived just up Eastern Avenue — let's face it , half the world lives up Eastern Avenue — in Redbridge , in one of those huge roadside vicarage-like houses which has had to be turned into a rest home for the elderly because no one else could afford to pay the rates .
26 One of the hallmarks of Conservative British governments in the 1980s was the readiness to spend large sums of money promoting the private market and a set of values which have come to be known as the ‘ enterprise culture ’ — witness the £1,200 million spent on the privatisation of Shorts and the shipyard .
27 ‘ It 's a time-consuming but very satisfying pastime and I 've won a couple of rally trophies which have added to the pleasure , ’ he said .
28 At the other they were an opportunity , perhaps the only opportunity , of breaking with institutions and attitudes which had led to disaster ; an opportunity which had to be grasped because such radical change could only be imposed from outside .
29 Home Office Minister Charles Wardle promised to ease rules which have led to 36 Yugoslavs being denied asylum despite the civil war in their country .
30 However they did replace the Packard Bell , at no extra charge , with a more expensive Acer Acros which has proved to be much better PC in several ways — it comes with 4Mb of memory , it 's upgradeable to a 486DX , it 's faster , and the serial port is standard Com1 .
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