Example sentences of "[noun pl] that will [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 It is these cells in the tentacles that will sting you if you unluckily brush against a jellyfish when swimming .
2 Pizazz Plus is a software package with screen capture and file conversion utilities that will allow you to enhance your printed images .
3 Colours , textures and patterns affect everyone differently so there are no hard and fast rules , but there are some guidelines that will help you with your choice .
4 Then , possibly , you will be able to develop some goals that will assure you attain those purposes .
5 Two books that will give you all the details you could wish for on carp fishing are The Carp Strikes Back by Rod Hutchinson ( Wonderdog Publications ) and Carp Fever by Kevin Maddocks ( Beekay ) .
6 For that we can thank a succulent script , meaty characterisations and four central performances that will leave you begging for more .
7 It 's a wonderful Wednesday of glorious options and opportunities that will thrill you to the core .
8 It may mean some gentle but very straight talking , if your parent does not realise your need to have time alone with your friends , but if you can not bring yourself to establish this right , you will have precious little hope of organising any other social activities that will give you a break from daily routine .
9 7 ) Elancyl and SHE would like you to test products that will help you get rid of cellulite and improve skin texture and tone .
10 Since this is the case , it 's important to make the best of it and follow some basic rules that will aid you to master the art of castrametation .
11 Included in this chapter are stationery items , a pressed flower mirror , a decorated photograph mount and several other ideas that will inspire you to experiment with your skills .
12 Our exclusive fashion preview includes the looks , the clothes and the colours that will take you through autumn into winter , astutely edited by our fashion team to illustrate both choice and focus .
13 If you want to go through the details of assignment and analysis , there are many excellent treatments that will help you , varying in depth from the brief but extremely clear account in Ref. [ 20 ] to long and complicated books on the subject , for example , Ref. [ 21 ] .
14 Now I think this is a very interesting point because if you go home , and over the next few days do what most people do after course like this , and that is they listen perhaps a little bit to radio , certainly watch some T V and , and think about all these issues , one of the things that will surprise you is that some of the people who are prominent broadcasters are really rather incompetent .
15 And so you 're going to work at the things that will get you in there are n't you ?
16 Whatever you decide about pregnancy , it is advisable to seek support from the sources that will allow you to come to your own decision , in your own time , and not force you to make a decision that is based on their belief and judgment rather than yours .
17 Once you 've exhausted the variations that will give you the step height you need , try different materials , as cutting bricks or walling slabs to give the desired height is not easy .
18 Hewlett-Packard Co 's Canadian Panacom Division thinks it 's got some hot new X-terminal software for Sun , IBM and SCO Open Desktop platforms that will let you run applications from the local client rather than the host .
19 Let me give you some suggestions that will help you to find your own way. :
20 For those of you new to computing we have a number of tutorials that will take you through the basics of your computer to those teaching you a new programming language .
21 Learn to recognize the signs and anticipate situations that will make you tense , anxious or uptight .
22 The Haunted House dark ride , set in Gloomy Wood , the Congo River Rapids and the Runaway Mine train , are just a few of the exciting rides that will keep you and the children amused all day .
23 You are also about to embark on a series of exercises that will start you on the road to a more beautiful body — a body of which you will be proud .
24 The specific nature of your training and development will vary according to the department you join , but wherever you go , you are guaranteed to meet the kind of intellectual and practical challenges that will make you a manager not only of your own destiny , but of the nation .
25 This is often the decisive part of the race , since if you launch well and get clear of the group it is only your own mistakes that will stop you from qualifying .
26 Put these on — I got some clothes that will fit you , and you can use for the competition .
27 Practical PC brings you three state of the art computer cards that will get you well on the way to building a multi media computer .
28 ‘ Pop stars and drugs ’ , blazed the News of the World on 29 January 1967 , the week following Miles 's analysis of the new underground , ‘ Facts that will shock you . ’
29 Set in the heart of Newmarket , the horseracing capital of the world , the recently extended museum 's six galleries are packed with exhibits that will take you back to the origins of racing … when Charles II rode in matches across the glorious heath .
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