Example sentences of "[noun pl] that would [vb infin] their " in BNC.

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1 It was only from the 1880s that the larger Canadian cities sprouted stations that would match their rapidly growing civic pride .
2 Potters , faience artists , pot painters , clay figurine makers , stone carvers and the priesthood probably worked closely together , sharing ideas that would glorify their deities .
3 The promises to cut taxes had been brushed to one side , but it was unlikely that the government would wish to fight the next election against a background of undertakings that would entail their actually being increased .
4 The hottest programme now is said to be on missiles that would destroy their targets within the atmosphere but without using a nuclear warhead .
5 So this song sort of sprang to mind and I could hear it as I wanted it to be and I could also hear a few little modifications that would suit their purposes , too .
6 Male competition can explain many structural and behavioural differences between the sexes , but not those that are deleterious to one sex : male competition can favour characters that make males stronger but not merely ornamental characters that would reduce their fighting abilities .
7 Under an agreement known as the Luxembourg compromise , EC states can veto decisions that would hurt their vital interests .
8 On Loch Maree the islands were dumpy , thick with Caledonian pines that would keep their blue black prickly leaves all winter .
9 And yet , look at all the old buggers that would sell their souls for a little bit of humanity like this one .
10 Factors that would influence their use would include : —
11 In the meantime , Zealot contingents commanded by a descendant of Judas of Galilee seized the fortress of Masada on the Dead Sea , exterminated the Roman garrison and prepared defensive installations that would withstand their enemies ' siege until A.D. 73 .
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