Example sentences of "[noun pl] that they [verb] made " in BNC.

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1 That morning they parted under the trees , he never took her all the way to the gates , that would only have made things worse , that morning she looked the way she always looked , rings under her eyes and her whole body braced for the ordeal that lay ahead , how hard it was to leave her always , maybe that was why they always drew the parting out , sometimes it took minutes , just the saying goodbye , they backed away from each other , then stopped and called something out , then backed away again , they called out special words that they 'd made up , words to fill the distance between them , words for the things they could n't say , they backed away till he was under the trees or she was through the gates , whichever happened first , she looked the same way she always looked that morning , except for one thing , she had a clock tucked under her arm , the clock they 'd found together , the clock that did n't tick , the lonely clock .
2 He says he 's now trying to undo all the plans that they 've made .
3 Debtors who showed the courts that they had made their best efforts to pay , and also showed they were not fraudulent or reckless in incurring debt could be given relief from liabilities after three years .
4 Many hon. Members on both sides of the House must be embarrassed about some of the comments that they have made in the past .
5 People from other lineages might not know of these particular marriages , but they had similar marriages of their own , similar reminders in their own genealogies that they had made a special and enduring peace with other lineages .
6 Here , the two people meet and each takes ten minutes to reflect on and verbalise the achievements that they have made and identify further needs .
7 " The neighbours were so impressed with Michael 's achievements that they have made their own garden into a mirror image of it .
8 Backbenchers mostly made the same points that they had made over a year earlier .
9 That 's not a problem that I can actually deal with er but Wales certainly er you know takes the sort of interest in Europe that we have seen from most of the Conservative speakers er in trying to sum up this debate you have to refer to them er of not being able to show , there 's a definite sort of anti European theme coming through from most of the speakers from the back benches who 've chosen to take part in this debate tonight from the other side and it 's difficulty to avoid summing up the debate without some reference to the points that they have made which is in complete contrast to the attitude that we have erm in Wales er towards Europe and that we are .
10 In order to bring about sustained growth , the Government will have to reverse the cuts that they have made in the training budget and develop a long-term programme to increase the quantity and quality of skills throughout British industry .
11 For all the proof you need , look no further than this year 's Reading Festival and the amazing response the Neds got for some T-shirts that they had made especially for the occasion .
12 For all the proof you need , look no further than this year 's Reading Festival and the amazing response the Neds got for some T-shirts that they had made especially for the occasion .
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