Example sentences of "[noun pl] that i [vb mod] like " in BNC.

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1 Two er other channels that I 'd like to consider which have rather different functions are both er chloride channels .
2 The last class of erm second messenger activated channels that I 'd like to deal with is are those calcium channels which are found in the in endomembranes , especially in the endoplasmic reticulum which are gated open by a compound known as inositol one four five trisphosphate .
3 No , have I heck , I have n't got enough money for a , really good clothes and shoes that I 'd like
4 ‘ There are some personal bits and pieces that I 'd like to hang on to but you can chuck the rest , I should think . ’
5 Other sports that I would like either to see articles about , or receive info on from you are long distance riding and novice eventing .
6 Now , I 've got some questions that I 'd like to ask you .
7 These are questions that I 'd like to ask you from what you 've told me so far , erm , I 'd like to ask you Mr about erm , from your point of view , from your erm experience with the electrical
8 I realise that this is a short debate and that I can not possibly ask the hon. Lady all the questions that I should like to ask .
9 No , no , no I I there are two things that I would like to say on behalf of the County Council .
10 Of course , I 've I 've left him in the charge of of not I have n't asked Paul to take him under his wing over the weekend , but I 've left Neil a list of things that I would like done .
11 For the things that I would like for my birthday .
12 £ Well , I think I really had better stop there , and then if you want to ask any questions erm we can go into them , but perhaps I could just mention two things that I would like to have said more about , one was , that you probably know , there were three or two major epidemics in Oxford , of what they call plague , but it was probably a form of typhus , in 1643 and 44 , and a good deal of sickness , I think , still in 1645 , and the other was that there was a very serious fire , which almost certainly arose from these kind of living conditions , because Anthony Wood says it was a soldier roasting pig , erm and I think a lot of cooking went on in very unsuitable situations .
13 ‘ Will you take me on the road here to see one or two things that I might like to see ? ’
14 Not erm I 've sort of got several things that I 'd like to do
15 So I 'm like half in and out just doing the things that I 'd like planned to do , like go to dentist and things like
16 Well I 've got some stories that I 'd like to share with you but there 's a condition .
17 I think two of the big changes that I would like to see happening , and I think are beginning to happen , one is to put much less stress on the content of history , which in many cases is , is less important , than the learning the skills of a historian .
18 He makes some valid points that I should like to bring to the House 's attention .
19 his children by his second wife , the ones that I would like to have , this lady would like to have , what happening to them ?
20 Well , I think that concludes , er , the , er er , remarks that I 'd like to , er , make .
21 Yes Mr Chairman I 'm not clear erm about something that Mr Gordon said in his opening remarks that I 'd like clarified and that is that he gave the committee the impression that there were er certain of the of the partners that were accepting erm a lower specification in other words , omitting from the what is the British best if you like , erm certain items of of equipment in order to reduce cost of the aircraft , both in development stage and at the production stage , final cost of the aircraft , unit cost .
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