Example sentences of "[noun pl] that it [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One farmer told the authors that it cost him 194,000 Somali shillings ( $14 ) to grow 100 kilos ( 220lbs ) of maize , which he could sell for a mere 55,000 shillings at the local market .
2 Fru Møller , who resented the embargo on her taste within the house , and frequently complained of the frustration she endured at having to maintain the past in all its detail , enjoyed the discipline the White Garden imposed , the contacts that it brought her in the gardening world , and the admiration its unusual beauty reflected upon her .
3 Despite some criticisms that it made him look like Michael Foot , it was a media success .
4 The scale of the triumph of 1918 no doubt owed something to Lloyd George , but the fact of Unionist victory did not , for without the pact the party would certainly have won some of the Coalition Liberal seats that it prevented them from attacking .
5 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
6 He did n't hesitate and say ‘ I 'll have to ask God about that ’ ; in the few seconds that it took her to express her need , Elisha knew what to say to her .
7 The sultan , however , refused to avail himself of this " Vienna Note " , on the grounds that it required him to make too many concessions .
8 Opposition Sajudis members objected , without effect , to the timing of the election on the grounds that it gave them inadequate time for preparation .
9 Compaq Computer Corp says that the restructuring of its field and reseller support operations in the US to increase interaction with its broadened customer base and provide enhanced support to its resellers ( CI No 2,148 ) , will cost about 150 field employees their jobs , but the loss will be partially offset by an as-yet-undetermined number of employees to be hired at the company 's Houston headquarters as part of the reorganisation ; the 150 to go are the last of the 1,000 jobs that it said it planned to cut in October .
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