Example sentences of "[noun pl] that some of the " in BNC.

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1 It is between these two sectors that some of the sharpest demographic differentials are found , and I will argue that the unique nature of the British housing market tends to perpetuate and reinforce these differentials in terms of patterns of early marriage , high fertility and marital breakdown .
2 I 've been looking at some of the old programmes that some of the fans brought from those shows , and it was interesting to look back and see the people that I travelled with . ’
3 There had been signs that some of the cabins had been occupied by women .
4 I was particularly concerned to read your experts ' views that some of the movements in Cindy 's Shape Your Body Workout could strain spinal ligaments and put terrible pressure on knee ligaments .
5 I think to try and break down the barriers that some of the West Indian children have against teachers and academic things …
6 It was precisely during these remote and largely unrecorded periods that some of the most crucial changes took place .
7 You do n't cos you do n't get all these things but Christine has the New Scientist every week and I do n't know why it 's always us , but you wan na read that sometimes , I do n't read a lot cos I do n't understand it but some of the things that some of the countries are doing and yet it 's always us .
8 The recent events in Moscow have underlined the difficulties that some of the countries face in establishing new , stable , pluralist systems .
9 We used to hear tales that some of the singers could be difficult .
10 Meanwhile , there were mounting allegations that some of the money paid to him had found its way into the Miyazawa faction 's own campaign funds .
11 Arguments that some of the skills practised by pupils are obsolete fall on deaf ears , or are heeded only very slowly .
12 An example was the recent revelation at congressional hearings that some of the EPA 's political appointees based in Washington directed the Chicago regional office in 1981 to delete incriminating references to the Dow Chemical Company in a report on dioxin contamination of Michigan waters .
13 Youngsters falling out was one thing , but just as worrying were reports that some of the more mature boys and girls were getting on with each other just a little too well .
14 Although the NKP had been short of funds and lacking a credible presidential candidate , there were reports that some of the party 's legislators were unwilling to accept the merger .
15 Judging from the ensembles in which their names appear , the instruments they are listed as playing in other ballet livrets , and the inventories of instruments that some of the royal wind players had in their possession at their deaths , they must all have been versatile performers on several instruments .
16 Despite cries for help and shouted warnings that some of the prisoners were suffocating to death , the cell door was not opened until two hours later .
17 ‘ However , what upsets me is that I have heard unconfirmed rumours that some of the riders were threatening to pull out if I were put in the third row of the grid as was at first planned .
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