Example sentences of "[noun pl] that he [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Will he give an assurance that he will sustain the generous funding of Northern Arts that he has managed in the past few years ?
2 Will he confirm categorically that TECs will have equal access to the funds that he has made available under the White Paper , excellent as it is ?
3 The Association 's library would like to thank Melvyn Green OBE , FHCIMA for the books that he has donated .
4 I not only listened to the hon. Gentleman 's arguments tonight , but I have read the other speeches that he has made throughout the passage of the Bill .
5 I congratulate my right hon. Friend on the steps that he has taken to do just that .
6 But you 're taking a , a , a G P's word for it , that these tablets that he 's given you are gon na help you through the emotional pain
7 Skills that he wishes to rehearse with them may be part of the programme of another department also , and it makes good sense to have some consultation and perhaps co-ordination .
8 It was on those same rolling fields that the young Cooney first learned the basic skills of hurling , skills that he has nurtured and polished in the subsequent seasons .
9 In the case of the biography the author is even less likely to be attracted to writing at second hand about a nobody , and what is more , he has a completely open field of all the somebodies that he chooses to tackle .
10 ‘ It often happens that one who at first was listening gladly becomes exhausted and now opens his mouth no longer to give assent but to yawn , and even involuntarily gives signs that he wants to depart .
11 He feels that it is because he has a high ethical and moral standard in his approach to sacred sites that he has earned their trust over the years .
12 At a time of rapid social change , for example , and through the educational system , the child may acquire a degree of independence as a result of the new knowledge and experiences that he comes to possess .
13 How does that set an example to countries that he wishes to discourage from adopting nuclear deterrence ?
14 Ed Levy of Levy Harkin concentrates on potential bankruptcies , like Integrated Resources , or companies that he believes have borrowed too heavily for their own good , such as Panhandle Eastern Pipeline and Marriott Hotels .
15 Mr was unable to produce his documents in relation to the vehicle which he indicated was his own and he was therefore given an H R T one to produce those documents but you will appreciate from the matters that he 's pleaded pleaded guilty to this morning he in fact , failed to produce his insurance driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
16 But you will appreciate that in the matters that he has pleaded , pleaded guilty to this morning , he in fact failed to produce his insurance , driving licence and test certificate within the required period .
17 Each use of symbols and phrases that he quotes has been debated with ‘ real teachers ’ who have advised us on the choice that will cause the least confusion with pupils .
18 As yet , the College is not an officially recognised English Language School — Mr Tim is so o'erburdened with pastoral responsibilities that he keeps failing to apply for a thumbs-up from the British Council ( even the base Shakespeare School had achieved recognition ) .
19 Would the team please comment on the effect of water supply and type of soil on the cooking properties of potatoes er Mr finds that all the maincrop varieties that he grows seem to boil into the water but the same variety grown commercially it says , does n't .
20 But it is as a recorder of the game 's idiosyncrasies that he has carved his distinctive niche : ‘ I delight in recording the oddities and unusual happenings in which the game abounds , ’ he says .
21 It is a tribute to his determination over his 22 years that he has achieved where so many before him have failed .
22 I understand why the hon. Gentleman may be frothing at the mouth at the thought that , after all the years that he has spent preparing as shadow arts Minister , were the Labour party to be elected — horror of horrors — it would not be him but Melvyn ’ Time to Dance ’ Bragg who would be Labour 's arts Minister .
23 There can be no art movement of the last 200 years that he has failed to sanction .
24 The principles he acts upon are not adopted because of his social position or natural endowments , or in view of the particular kind of society in which he lives or the specific things that he happens to want .
25 Most of the child 's talk about himself , his toys , the things that he has seen or those he can do , arises spontaneously from his play .
26 I have used some of the things that he has done as a good example to myself .
27 He p he pretends to forget about things that he 's done in the past , but the people of do n't forget what you 've done in the past .
28 He will himself present new data on the cohort of doctors he has been studying for the past 40 years , while his colleagues will review current knowledge on some of the many other topics that he has studied — including the effects on health of oral contraceptives , the parts played by radiation and by asbestos in various cancers , and patterns and trends in mortality .
29 Does my hon. Friend agree that in constituencies such as mine in the south-east there are problems in providing houses for those most in need and I welcome the additional figures that he has announced for housing associations ?
30 Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that the figures that he has announced for training and education will go nowhere near far enough to fill the skills gap ?
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